Tirupati Kalahasti

Tirupati Kalahasti

Tirupati Kalahasti Bus Journey

  1. Bus frequency is quite high from Tirupati Central bus station to Kalahasti.
  2. A.P.S.R.T.C Bus is available for every 5 – 10 mins
  3. Non stop buses are available. Frequency is every 30 mins. Bus stops Temple entrance
  4. Tirupati to Naidupeta, Nellore, Gudur buses runs via Sri Kalahasti.
  5. Kalahasti temple is 38 km from Tirupati, which takes 45 mins – 50 mins journey.
  6. Tirupati to Kalahasti, direct bus starts at 4:30 am


Kalahasti to Tirupati Journey

  1. Bus frequency is quite high from Sri Kalahasti To Tirupati.
  2. Every 15 mins, there will be a bus running to Tirupati. One can board bus from the temple entrance.
  3. Sri Kalahasti to Tirupati, Non stop buses are available with a frequency of 30 mins. One can board bus right at the entrance of Kalahasti Temple entrance
  4. Naidupeta, Nellore, Gudur buses to Tirupati runs via Sri Kalahasti Temple.
  5. Sri Kalahasti to Tirupati is 38 km, which takes 45 mins – 50 mins journey.
  6. Kalahasti to Tirupati, direct bus will be available from 4 am.


Interesting Places falls under Kalahasti to Tirupati Route

  1. Thondamanadu Temple which is 9 km from Kalahasti.
  2. Gudimallam Temple near Renigunta. One should get down at Rengiunta Junction, from there it is by auto rickshaw.
  3. Sri Padmavathi Amma Varu Temple Tiruchanoor, near Tirupati.  One should get down Tiruchanoor Fly over. From there it is 2 km. Auto rickshaw, private buses will be running with high frequency.


Reference Link: Kalahasti To Tirupati


  1. Hello sir,
    Do any bus service have stop at the temple entrance at kalahasthi if any please mention it sir how could I get board on that bus
    Thank you,

  2. From Sri Kalahasti Temple we plan to go to Thirumala Sri Venkiteswara Swamy Temple around 11 am. Are there direct buses to Thirumala ? How much time will it take to reach the temple ?

    • HI Sir,

      Yes direct buses are available or else you can reach to tirupathi and then you can get the tirumala buses and it may take 1:30 mins to reach tirumala


  3. I’m planning to climb from Alipiri next week. Can I buy tickets at Galikopuram?

  4. In Kalahasti what time Kala sarpa soda pooja start.
    What are the things we have to carry.
    How much is the expense.
    Pls give some information

    • Hi Sir,

      You can get the tickets on arrival at temple counter and along with the tickets you can get the pooja ingredients and it costs from 500 onwards


  5. We vil reach tirupati at 24.40..any bus available from tirupati to kalshasti at this time

  6. HI Madam,

    first plan to visit tirumala and then plan to perform the rahu kethu pooja


  7. IS tirupati crowded in september

  8. I need online accomadation booking room tirupati what time open online booking

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      All ttd rooms are fully booked if you need alternate accommodation please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  9. Hai Sir/Mam.

    Is the buses available from TIRUPATHI hill temple to Srikalahasthi

  10. How can I go to kanipakam from tirupati.. Is they any public transport facility

  11. I want to travel from srikalahasti to renigunta railway station. Will there be public transport available in this route?

  12. sir mee address ekkada andi….tirupathi to katpadi kavali tkt

  13. In early morning what time buses will available from tirupathi railway station to kalahasti????

  14. Hi,
    We are travelling with a 6 month old. Do they have volvo / AC buses from tirupathi to Kalahasthi? What frequency/Times?
    Thank you

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      There is no volvo buses from Tirupati to srikalahsthi you need to travel in the normal buses.
      Thank you.

  15. is there buses from srikalahasthi to renigunta in the morning