Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu Seva Reporting Time: 5:00 am
This Seva is performed only on Tuesdays.
Seva starting Time: 6:00 am
Seva Ending Time: 6:30 am.
Seva Ticket Cost: Rs.1250 per person
Dress code: Please wear
Men: White Pancha, Dhoti. Men must remove Shirt and Vest during Seva.
Female: Saree with blouse; Punjabi Dress with Dupatta; Chudidhar with Dupatta; Half Saree
Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu Seva Details
Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu will be performed only on Tuesdays. Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu is introduced in 1984, when a Muslim devotee offered 108 gold lotuses to the Lord Sri Venkateswara. Astadala Pada Padmaradhana start around 6 a.m. After offering Dhoopa and Deepa to the main deity, the priests recite the Dwadasa names of the Lord Malayappa, and with the utterance of each name, one golden lotus is offered at His feet. After this, Archana is performed to the Consorts of the Lord Malayappa, Sri Devi and Bhu Devi. In conclusion of this ritual, Harathi is performed to the Lord Sri Venkateswara.
The archaka commenced the puja by offering dhupa (arti stick) and dipa (lit lamp) to the main deity. Then he recited the 108 divine names (108) of the Lord.
While uttering each name of the Lord, one golden flower was offered at the holy feet of the Lord. On completion of the Archana to the Mula Virat, Archana is offered to Goddesses Lakshmi and Padmavati.
How do I book Seva tickets online?
- Seva tickets will be released for online booking on a monthly basis.
- One person is allowed to book two tickets, two persons will be allowed for two tickets.
- Nearly 100 tickets will be released online.
- The ticket quota will be released online on Friday at 10:00 am
- Seva Electronic Dip process is in place for Ticket allotment.
Astadala pada Padmaradhanamu Seva Online Quota Dates
Online quotas will be released during the third week of the month. These tickets can only be booked thru electronic dip registration. Quota will be released 3 months in advance.
Seva Tickets current booking
- The remaining tickets will be allotted under the current booking at C.R.O. Tirumala.
- The ticket-issuing counter opens at 8 am, and Seva tickets will be issued using the Lucky Dip procedure.
- This session is meant for Tuesday’s, for which tickets will be issued on Monday morning at the C.R.O. office.
Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu Seva Gallery

Please leave your comments below, we will get back to your queries at the earliest.
Jai BalajI
on 21july I have a seva ticket of astadala so please guide me can I take my child of age 11 years .
Dear Rajesh,
Yes, your child is allowed. Ticket is not required for children up to 12 years. Please carry Age proof for the child.
Please let me know if further information required.
Ome Namo Venkatesaya,
My parents have a Ashtadala Padapamaradanam Tikets, MY son aged 05 Years he is allowed for seva with my parents.
Dear Bharani Kumar,
Yes, you son is allowed with parents. Kids up to 12 years are allowed without extra ticket.
Please let me know if further information required.
Myself and My Wife and 2 Daughters ( Aged 6.5 Years and 1.4 Years) How many People are allowed for Astadala seva Per ticket? Do I need to book 2 Tickets or One Ticket?
Both My Kids are allowed without Ticket?
Dear Sudheer,
Tickets not required for children below 12 years of age. Sometimes Staff may demand for age proof for the kids, so please carry age proof id for them.
Both your kids are allowed for pooja.
Please let me know if further clarification required.
Thank Kamal. I would like to know What time online booking opens for ashtadala seva. I know its 56 days advance. I want to know exact timings because only 20 tickets are allowed.
Dear Sudheer,
It should be available right from 7 am. Could you check availability at ?
How many members will allow for one ticket in astadala padapamaradanam
Dear Naveen,
2 persons are allowed per ticket.
I tried to book tickets for this seva online via ttdonline website but I see that the quota is not released for Aug 25th. Generally when can be the Quota released?
With regards,
Dear Srirama,
Quota will not be released when there is Utsavams. Let me check if there is any festival.
Hi Kamal,
In need small clarification.Where this pooja will be held (mulavirat or Utsav vigraham).
Thanks in Advance.
Thanks & Regards
Dear Anji Babu,
Pooja will be performed to Moola Virat.
Thanks for the update kamal.
I want to book for our family members for Astaladala Pada Seva for next month. I checked it showing quota is not released.
When it will be released?
Dear Ravikumar,
Next quota will be released on Oct 1st week. Please subscribe to GoTirupati News Letter so that you will not miss the communication.
I want to book 4 tickets for my family members on 1 st Dec 2015.Will the Seva be performed for the Lord on Ist Dec.2015 and Is it possible to book 4 tickets with one registration?I also want to know when the bookings will be open for the same.
Dear Anuradha,
It is not possible to book 4 tickets for one login ID, max allowed is 2 tickets. So you need to create one more login ID.
When comes to seva tickets, TTD is planning to release Quota (16 Nov -30 Dec) during the 1st week of Oct. Please subscribe to GoTirupati News Letter so that you will not miss the communication.
Dear Mr.Kamal,
Thank you very much for the information.
Hi Kamal,
Thank you very much for the replies that you are giving. It is really helpful and I didn’t find such quick replies on this topic elsewhere.
In one of the websites, it is mentioned that, this seva is for couples only. Is it true?
In case if I am lucky enough to get tickets for this seva, my mother has spondylosis, which may not allow her to sit. Would there be any other alternatives?
Thank you
Dear Deepthi,
I will update you on this in another 2 hours, as I need to check with staff before confirming.
Dear Deepthi,
Here is the update on the seva, if ticket is issued on your name, I mean if you are the primary person with photo printed on the ticket then you can go ahead with seva.
No need for your mother to join this seva, you all alone can continue with seva. There is no restriction as such for Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu seva.
Please let me know if further info required.
Hi Kamal, Thanks for the update..
Hi Kamal,
Earlier the seva ticket quota was released every day ,but now they are releasing in bulk as and when they want. Is there any reason or pattern followed on this ?
Dear Sanjeev,
It is to benefit common pilgrims. TTD is doing it’s best effort to support devotees.
Please check for TTD press note on sevas and let me know if more info required.
Mr Kamal, Om namo Venkateshaya.
I have Astadala padapadmaradhana ticket booked online for my wife and me. On the ticket only my photo appears. There is no provision to upload the second person photo. Is it okay?
Dear Ramanna,
Yes, it is fine. We can only upload one photo now. It is ok.
Thanks very much Kamal. God bless you. You are doing a yeoman service to all the devotees.
Hello Mr.Kamal,
Is Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhana seva performed on Dec 22nd and Dec 29th of this year? Or are there any specific functions at this time. Please let me know.
Dear Sir,
There is no Special sevas on 22nd Dec and 29th Dec. Is your tickets pre-boooked?
Can you please tell me when and exactly what time the bookings will open for Dec 1 e-seva?
and pan card will be accepted?
Dear Anuradha,
For 1st Dec, it will be 6th Nov, 11 am. Aadhaar Card, Voter Id card, Passport, Ration Card, School/ College Identity Card are accepted.
You can download Aadhaar card online which is still valid for Seva proof.
I have booked only one ticket for Astadala pada padmaradhanamu. How many people they for this ticket. will they allow 2 persons or not?. If not can we get other ticket under current booking. is current booking for this via lucky dip? could you please provide feedback . Thanks in Advance!!!
Dear Bhuvana,
One person is allowed per ticket. It is via Lucky Dip booking. Please let me know if your need more info.
I would like to attend this seva. Please let me know can i book the ticket online or what should i do. I am from bangalore. I want to visit with 3 of my friends. I want to visit during the next month.
Dear Mukund,
TTD is releasing Arjitha Seva tickets once in a month, next release date is on 6th Nov at 11 am. With one login ID you can only book two tickets as you are planning for 3 , you may need one more login to book tickets at
How can I book astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva in pre booking for Jan 5th or Jan 12th 2016 ? When does online eseva open for the month of Jan ?
Dear Bhanu,
For Jan month, quota will be released on 4th dec at 11 am. Please subscribe to GoTirupati News Letter so that you will not miss the communication
Sir how long this seva astadala pada padmaradhana! Will ticket holders allowed to have darshan of main deity during this seva
Dear Sir,
Pooja will be offered to the main deity only, so there is no point of allowing for darshan separately. Pooja process will takes around 20 mins. Please let me know if you need more details.
Dear Mr.Kamal Sir,
First of all thank you for the valuable info and guidance to the devotees with various seva related queries.
I would like to book one ticket for Astadalapadmaraadhana seva for FEB2016.
please let me know when the quota will be opened.
Dear Sir,
Quota will be released online either on 1st jan at 11 am or 8th jan 11 am.
Hi Kamal,
I have 2 questions in relates to this seva,
1) We are planning to go with seva @ FEB for myself, my wife, my mother(age 54) & my infant kid(age 11 months by FEB). Can i book ticket for all my above family members?
2) How long this seva takes(from ‘reporting time’ to ‘time taken to see Balaji’), am concerned about the timing only because i would be carrying my 11 month infant.
3) Also will this seva gives access to “Thulabharam”?
Dear Dharmaraj,
1) You are allowed to book 2 tickets so 3 tickets you need to have 2 user ids and booking to be done from two different ip addresses.
Like one booking using wifi and other one using mobile data plan
2) If it is Astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva, seva itself done to Moola virat (main deity). For other seva, seva will take 1 hours 15 mins followed by 20 mins darshan.
3) Yes, Thulabharam is accessible for all sevas and darshan.
Thank you Kamal for the information. If i understood it correct, this seva would take approx 20 mins to 30 mins(including darshan). Sorry i got bit lost on the 2nd answer.
Dear Sir,
There is no separate darshan for this seva, why because pooja itself performed to the main deity and pilgrims are allowed to sit in front of moola virat.
Please let me know if you need more details.
how can we book the tickets online need to know the proper web address path to book the astadhala pada pooja online ticket and need to know when we can book the tickets
Dear Madam,
Tickets should be booked online at ttdsevaonline. com website. March month quota will be released online on 5th feb at 11 am
Hello Sir,
Could you please provide information about when the quota will be released to book online for astadala pada padmaradhana on 5th april 2016.
Thank you,
Dear Madam,
Quota will be released online 4th mar at 11 am
Sir, Everymonth we are unable to book the sevas in(Astadala pada, Archana or Thomala)online. Once it open all fields are entered they got error, again open the tickets are not displyed. Please solve the problem and provide information how to book the above sevas in any object. We are send the any DD process pls inform urgently.
Thanking You.
Dear Sir,
TTD stopped DD process. It is only thru online booking or under lucky dip booking.
Please try once for lucky dip booing.
I want to be part of Astadala pada seva in the month of May – Can you please help me out in getting the seva ticket. Thanks in advance.
Dear Sir,
May month quota will be released online 1st Apr at 11 am.
Other seva tickets, Suprabhatham, Thomala, archana, nijapada darshanam will also be released for online booking
Hi Sir,,,Is Astadala paada padmaradana pooja will be at Main god or somewhere else?????? and how much time it will be????
Dear Sir,
Yes, pooja will be performed to the main deity. It will be 30 mins
In astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva how much crowd ? How many mimutes we can able to see Main deity ? Overall crowd ?
Dear Kathiresan,
It will be 30 mins for the pooja. Minimal crowd and all devotees will be seated while the seva in progress
Hello Sir ,
I am planning to book a astadala pada seva ticket for me and my wife. I have a two year old kid . Should i book a seperate ticket for the kid or the kid can come with us using the same ticket. If no ticket is required for the kid should i mention anything about the kid while booking the ticket .
Dear Madam,
Kids below 3 years will not be allowed for this seva. No need to mention your kid details while booking
Hi Kamal,
Need a clarification about the online booking. For example If I want to Book Astadala Paada Padmaradhana Seva in the month of Jul 27th when Can I check in online to book.
Rajyalakshmi M
Dear Madam,
Quota will be released on 3rd Jun at 11 am.
Hi Sir,
Thanks for your valuable information related to various Seva queries. I’ve coupe of queries hope you will answer them like others.
1. I could see “Astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva” quota is not released for 5th April 2016, could you please let us know when it will be released?
2. Also when the quota of “Thomala Seva” tickets for May 2016 will be released?
Dear Sir,
1. If quota is not released which means some event is planned in the temple. SO quota will not be released
2. It is on 1st Apr at 11 am
For senior citizens darshan, is there any limit ? Or can we utilise this every month?
Dear Sir,
It is once is in 3 months. It is the recent change.
Hi sir,
I am looking for booking tickets for Astadala Padmaraadhana puja in May’16, when is the quota getting released.
Also i have a 9 months daughter do we need to book separate tickets for her when we are booking Rs.300 ticket for darshanam.
Dear Madam,
Children under 12 years don’t need Seva tickets or Darshan tickets. It is free entry for them.
May month quota will be released online on 1st Apr at 11 am
Thank you so much sir.
One more query can i take my daughter for the Astadala Padmaraadhana puja.
Dear Madam,
Kid should be above 3 years to participate in this seva
Hi Sir,
I’d like to book tickets for ‘Astadala pada padmaradhanamu’ seva on the date 6th June, 2016. Could you please let me know when will online quota gets opened.
Dear Sir,
Quota will be released online on 6th May at 11 am
Sir,I have gone to e-darshan counter today to book astadala pada padmaradhana tickets they said they are not available now.
1.any option like lucky dip quota is available for this seva as they are few they are not getting in internet booking please suggest me sir I’m much thankful to you. suprabhatha seva available in lucky dip or current booking may 2016
Dear Sir,
1. Thru Lucky dip booking, one can apply for Thomala, Archana, Poorabhishekam, Suprabhatha Seva, Kalynotsavam and Melchat Vastram.
2. Suprabhatha Seva is not available under lucky dip or current booking. Other Sevas, Sahasra Deepalankara, Arjitha Brahmotsavam, Vasanthotsavam will be available under current booking
Hi Kamal, I understand that Suprabhatam, Kalyanotsavam tickets are available through lucky dip. Kindly check.
You are providing excellent service to pilgrims! Thanks!
Dear Bharathpuri,
Yes, you are right. Suprabhatha Seva is available in Lucky dip quota.
I am planning to book Kalyanostavam tickets for June month.
When i see online, still Quota is not released for June month.
Shall i know when Quota will be released for Jun Month???
Please tell me details of Kalyanostavam.
Dear Manohar,
Jun month quota will be released online on 6th May at 11 am
Hi,i have doubt in process of releasing astadalapada pada seva. i want to book seva on may 30th.may i know the date exactly to look in online to book on that date.
Dear Sir,
Jun month quota will be released online on 6th May at 11 am. Tickets to be booked at ttdsevaonline website. May month quota is fully booked
When will be July month quto will be leased and is this Seva done at main swamy idol
Dear Kiran,
Jul month quota will be released online on 3rd Jun at 11 am. Suprabhatha Seva, Archana Seva, Thomala Seva, Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu, Nijapada Darshanam seva tickets will be done to main deity.
When will be August 2016 month quota released for Asta dala pada padma seva?
Advanced thanks for your info
Dear Sir,
Quota will be released online on 1st Jul at 11 am.
Thank Mr. Kamal
can u send me everymonth relases date on my mail id
Dear Sir,
Sure, I can send that. If there is any change in the release then it will be a problem.
when will be june month quota released for astadala padmardhana seva ticket ?
Dear Sir,
Jun month quota will be released online on 6th May at 11 am
Pl ket we know availability date for Ashtadala padspadnarafhana seva 2 tickets
Dear Sir,
Jun month quota will be released online on 6th May at 11 am.Tickets should be booked at ttdsevaonline website
In this seva they allowed to dharshan
Dear Hariprasanth,
This Seva will be performed to the main deity. No separate darshan is not required.
I want to book the ticket online for Ashtadala pada padmaradhana seva for the month of July 2016. Please can you let me know when will this quota will be released. It will be great if you can share me the expected date and timing of this release.
Dear Madam,
Jul month Seva tickets quota will be released online on 3rd Jun at 11 am
Hi Sir,
I want to attend Astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva along with my wife and my 2 year old kid. but I see children < 3years are not allowed for Arjitha sevas. Can I book for this seva and attend along with my 2 year old kid? Please guide.
Dear Sir,
Yes, 2+ years will be allowed. No problem in that.
Dear Kamal,
My 1st kid is 8.5 yrs old & 2nd one is 18months old, are they allowed for this darshana(Ashtadala padapadma)
Pls help
Dear Sir,
Yes, Both your kids will be allowed for this Seva. You just tell them that your baby is 2 years old.
thank you kamal, your help is highly appreciated
I live in usa and i want to book tickests online for aug1st aor aug2nd 2016. Can you please let me know when the quota will be released online for these dates according to US timings.
Dear Madam,
Aug month Quota will be released online on 1st Jul at 11 am IST. 1st Jul, 12:30 am MST, 1st Jul 2:30 am CST, 1st Jul 3:30 am EST,
Hi , Where is the link to book this seva online?
Dear Madam,
Tickets should be booked at ttdsevaonline website
Dear Sir,
I want to book the ticket online for Ashtadala pada padmaradhana seva for the month of July 2016.
We are family of 5people (Father/Mom/Brother/Sister/Me) so please let me know how can I book 5 ticket at once. I just have one account of TTD
Dear Sir,
You would need 3 login IDs. 2 tickets can be booked using 1 login ID
Dear sir please kindly send me every month all sevas quota release date to my mail id. Thank you
Dear Madam,
Aug month quota will be released online on 1st Jul at 11 am. Sure, will send the mail.
Sir is there any quota to police department for any seva. If so please tell me. Thank you.2
Dear Sir,
Seva tickets can be availed thru recommendation letter
Is Ashtadala seva will be allowed along with other sevas and how long they are llowed to see the Lord Venkateswara
Dear Madam,
Seva will be performed for 30 mins. During this time Darshan will not be available for other devotees
Is it possible to get VIP letter for Archana
Dear Madam,
Yes, you can get Archana ticket using Minister’s recommendation letter
Hello Kamal,
Have seen all your replies, you have cleared all my doubts. Thanks a mill..!
One small doubt, i want 3 tickets for Ashta dala padapadma pooja. So if i do fast booking at 11 AM of July 1st, can i get the tickets for sure. Please tell as my mother want to see the God closely.
Goutham K Deva.
Dear Sir,
It would be nice if you try for Suprabhatha Seva first. Later you can plan for Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu. Just stick to Suprabhatha Seva and lose the hope.
It is very few tickets so I’m not sure on booking probability. Please let me know if you need more details
Dear Sir,
I plan to book Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhanamu pooja in August. The ticket will allow me and my husband. Will my 10 year kid be allowed with us, as the ticket says entry for 2 people only.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Dear Madam,
Yes, children above 3 years will be allowed for this Seva. Children uner 12 years don’t need Seva tickets as it is free entry for them. Yes, you can book 2 ticket using 1 login ID.
Dear Sir, my daughter is 2 years old. can we take her along with us to Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhanamu pooja?
Dear Sir,
Children under 3 year will be restricted. But you can try. I will also check on this if there will be any consideration
Dear Sir,
Can we go for sevas archana and ashtadala pada padmaradhanamu on 1 single day?
Dear Sir,
Yes, you can participate in both the Seva as you will have 1 hour gap between these two
suprabhata darshanam ticket cost?
Dear Sir,
It is Rs.200 per person
Dear Sir,
At what time online seva tickets will be available to book ?
Thanks & Best Regards
Dear Sir,
It will be released online on 5th Aug at 11 am
Dear Sir,
How to book a ticket for Asthadala Pada Padmaradhanamu seva for september? I need two tickets, for myself and my wife.
Dear Sir,
Tickets should be booked at ttdsevaonline website. Quota will be released online on 5th Aug at 11 am
Sir we wanted to book a ticket for astadala padmaradhanam for september 13th 2016 ..u have already mentioned dat it will be realeased on 5 august ..and i want to for how much time will d online booking will be opened from 11am
Dear Madam,
Tickets will not last more than 30 mins. One should be quick enough in booking the tickets
Dear Sir,
Has the quota for astadala pada padmaradhanmu seva for september been released? If it is not released, may i please when will the quota for september be released?
Dear Sir,
Yes, Sep month quota was released online on 1st Jul at 11 am
Jai Srimannarayan!
Respected Sir/ Madam,
when Astadala pada padmaradhanmu seva ticket relesed for month of October and November.
Please inform and oblige.
Dear Sir,
For oct month, quota was released online on 5th Aug at 11 am. For Nov, it will be on 2nd Sep at 11 am
hi sirrr when u release ashtadal pada padmaradhnamu pooj in october,please will you in form mee
Dear Sir,
Please check on 5th Aug at 11 am
Sir will the devotees be allowed to see the pada padmaradhanam from kuleshakara padi or from jaya vijaya??
Dear Sir,
Devotees will be allowed till Kulasekara padi
is astadala pada padmaradanamu performed from dec16 to jan14 2017?
Dear Sir
No, it will be not be performed
I want two tickets for astadhalaseva on December 2016 how can i get dharshan please help me
Dear Sir,
Dec month quota may be released online on 7th Oct at 11 am. Tickets should be booked at ttdsevaonline website
For Ashtadala Pada Padmaradhanamu seva on 15 November, 2016. can i book two tickets (myself & my family) under internet booking with my registered user ID. Also, whether this seva will be performed in the main deity of Sri Venkateshwara or in outer courtyard. how long this ritual lasts is performed.
Dear Sir,
You can book 2 Seva tickets using 1 login ID. This seva will be performed inside the temple. This Seva will be performed for 30 mins.
hi sir, i want book ticket for asta dala padmaradanamu for the date Nov 1st…plz let me know when they ll be open..thnks in advance
Dear Sir,
Please check on 2nd Sep at 11 am
Dear Sir,
I have two questions ,
1. The ticket holders are allowed to sit and see ” astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva” or they are allowed to see the seva in running line ?
2. The ticket holders are allowed to go till near by to God Statue ( i.e close to 1st gate/door) or only till Garuda alvar statue Gate to see the seva ?
Dear Sir
1. Yes, Tickets are allowed to sit while performing Seva
2. Yes, devotees will have Darshan from the 1st gate after Seva.
Sir any update on my questions ?
Dear Sir,
I have already replied to your query
1. Yes, devotees are allowed to sit while Seva is in progress
2. Devotees will have Darshan from the close distance ie. first door
Can two adult males attend the Seva or is it allowed only for couples? Can we go attend the Seva with the printed receipt and IDs? Do we need to collect tickets by showing the receipt in advance?
Do they give the allotted laddu while leaving or should we collect it from the laddu counters?
Is this Seva done to the main deity or the malayappa Swamy?
Dear Sir,
Two males can attend this Seva. No need to collect any receipts. Online Booking receipt is the final copy. Laddus to be collected from the counter outside the temple
Yes, Seva will be performed to the main deity
Thank you for replying. Can a single person attend this Seva?Is it allowed to book the tickets for one person instead of two?
Dear Sir,
Yes, single ticket booking is allowed.
Sir can a single male attend this seva?
Dear Sir,
Yes, you can attend this Seva as a single
Sir…if I want to book a ticket for ashtadala pooja in December…when can I book through online
Dear Sir,
Quota will be released online on 7th Oct at 11 am
Dear Sir ,
I have two questions about astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva
1. The Ticket holders of this seva are allowed to sit and see the seva or allowed to
see the seva in running queue ?
2. The ticket holder of this seva are allowed till most nearest to GOD statue or allowed only till ‘bangaru vakili or Maha Laghu Darshan’ ?
Thanks in Advance
Balaji R
Dear Sir,
1. Yes, devotees are allowed to sit inside the temple
2. After Seva, devotees are allowed to have Darshan from the close distance ie from Kulasekara Padi
kamal sir how many tickets for this seva will be released through online
Dear Sir,
It will be less ie. 40-50
kamal sir what about thomala seva archana seva and nijapada darshana
Dear Sir,
Please try for Seva tickets today
I would like to visit for this seva on February 2017 when they will open this quota pls let me know.
The seva is astadala pada padmaradhanamu pls reply
Dear Sir,
Please check on 7th Oct at 11 am
Can we call my 7 yr old son for this seva (Astadala) ? and what time we will have to be there in order to sit in front of saami 🙂 we will be getting the theertham in this seva?
Dear Madam
Yes, children under 12 years don’t need Seva tickets. It is free entry for them. Please be there at the reporting place 45 mins in advance. I need to check about the theertham.
Dear sir astadala pradana seva for jan 2017 quota when it will release timings
Dear Sir
It will be on 4th Nov at 11 am. Please subscribe to Gotirupati newsletter so that we can communicate in advance
Dear Sir,
Suprabhatha Seva, Thomala, Archana, Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu will be performed to the main deity
Dear Sir,
I’m really sorry for that. I got occupied with live chats and phone calls on the website. Will surely check and reply to your query
Dear Sir,
Suprabhatha Seva, Archana, Thomala, Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu, Nijapada Darshanam, Tiruppavada, Poorabhishekam, Vastralankara Seva, Sahasra Kalasabhishekam
Sir January month astathala pada selva ticket booking when will be release
Dear Sir,
Please check on 4th Nov at 11 am. Kindly subscribe to gotirupati newsletter so that we can communicate the dates in advance
Will they make everyone to sit in front of lord to see him or is it on first come first basis
Dear Sir,
Yes, devotees are allowed to sit inside the temple during the Seva
In which seva we can go closer to lord which is near to the last gate near to lord
Dear Sir,
Suprabhatha Seva, Archana, Thomala, Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu, Nijapada Darshanam, Tiruppavada, Poorabhishekam, Vastralankara Seva, Sahasra Kalasabhishekam
It is mentioned that seva ticket costs Rs.1250.
How many persons are allowed with one ticket?
Here above it is mentioned that ‘two persons are allowed for two tickets’. This is a bit confusing.
Please clarify.
Dear Sir,
One person per ticket. One can book 2 ticket using 1 login ID.
Only 10 tickets will be release by online for archana seva. What needs to be done inorder to get the tickets? Is there any possiblity for current bookingfor this?
Dear madam,
Lucky dip process is there
Hi Kamal,
I’d like to book seva ticket for “Astadala pada padmaradhanamu” in the month of Jan/feb 2017. Could you please let me know when will be online quota get opened.
Thank you….
Dear Sir,
Please check on 4th Nov at 11 am. Kindly subscribe to gotirupati newsletter so that we can communicate the dates in advance
Thank you Kamal, I have already subscribed to gotirupati newsletter.
My daughter is 10yr old. Should I have to buy separate ticket for her to have Astadala Pada Padmaradhana Seva or Nijapada darshanam or any other arjitha seva ?
Dear Sir,
Children under 12 years don’t need tikest. it is free entry
Dear sir,
Only married couple allowed to book tickets for astadala seva.Or Individual person also allowed to book astadala seva.
Dear sir,
Individual persons also avilable for astadala sava.
If booked for Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu Seva will they allow to sit inside the Main deity Temple and how long is the Seva? Will the Seva be performed from the inner moolasthanam near the main Deity?
Dear Sir,
Yes sir Astadala Pada Padmaradhanamu seva will perform at maindiety, Hardly it takes 30 min. Yes sir they allow to sit in the main deity.
Hello Sir,
when is next booking for astadala-pada-padmardhanmu seva.
Dear Sir,
Please check on 2nd Dec at 11 am. Kindly subscribe to gotirupati newsletter so that we can communicate the dates in advance
Sir, When is the next quota releasing after November? Unfortunately it went till payment and transaction failed
Also how do we subscribe for the newsletter to receive regular updates ?
Dear sir,
please visit gotirupati website and subscribe the newsletter for updates, Dec 2nd 2016 check the ttdsevaonline website for seva.
for couple i must book two tickets/single ticket astdala padmaradhanamu seva
for couple 2 tickets should book
My daughter is 6 years old and another daughter is 13 years old. is that seva allowed my two childrens. please tell me that children restroction How many years persons are allowed this seva.
Dear sir,
Above 3 years children will be allowed for Astadala pada padmaradhana seva.
Children’s upto 12 years are allowed to accompany parents without tickets
Yes sir, they can accompany with there parents.
Sir. We want booking for 3jan.
How we can manage booking
HI Sir,
through lucky dip bookins
Till March 2017 quota released. Only luck dip if the seva tickets will be available then you enroll there one day before you should be in tirumala
The Lucky dip timings are 11AM to 5PM.
Dear Sir,
May I know how many people will be there in seva. For suprabatham I know they will allow 400 to 500 people.
Hi Sir,
Sir for Suprabhatam seva they will allow 150 to 200 people only..
hello kamal sir ,I have seva ticket of astadhala padapadmaradhanam on 27 December 2016. I herd that due to dhanurmasam most of the seva will not perform. my doubt is what is the stutus of that day seva ,will they perform or cancel. please reply. tanks in advance
Hi sir,
in which way you have booked ticket through dd or online
through online
HI Sir,
next month april month quota will be releasing so that you can book on jan 6th at 11 am.
Dear Sir,
I am planning to visit Tirumala after 2nd week of July 2017. I am interested in doing sevas Kalyanothsava, Vishesha Pooja and Ashtadala pada padmaradhanamu. Myself, my wife and my daughter aged 19 years would like to visit. If I have to book onlike when will the booking be open. And Can I book for my daughter also at the same time. I am based in Gulf country, hence I can not book the sevas in offices located in Bangalore. Please advise.
Warm Regards
Madhusudan K S
HI Sir,
please subscribe to gotirupati newsletters we will let you know sir.
Hi Kamal,
May I know when would the online booking be open for astadala padapadma(march 2017) ? Any idea on how many online tickets would be open?
HI Sir,
Already till april month online bookings are closed next they will release for may month but dates are not yet released so please subscribe to gotirupati newsletters we will update you soon.
how to subscribe gotirupati
Hi Sir,
in the link select news letter and give us your mail ID.
Thank You.
So, how does this work when we book online? After booking, will it again go through a lucky dip system? Or that is only for offline booking?
HI Sir,
You can book through the lucky dip bookings process.
Good info. I haven’t heard before. Pls update me about when the registration starts for the month of MY 2017
HI Sir,
Actually may month and june month tickets are fully booked you can try to book for july month and availability date for booking is april 7th at 11 am.
Pl. inform if for ashtadala seva , the puja is performed for the main diety inside the Temple and if we are allowed to sit before the main diety only, as i read in a news article that ashtadala is now being performed for the utsava murthy only. Is the news article true. or is the practice of puja for the main diety inside the Temple still exists??
HI Madam,
Astadala pada padmaradhana is peforming to the main deity and you will be allowed to sit infront of the main deity .
Lord Venkateswara Swamy is the most important deity of my family. I pray to have the Astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva fervently.
HI Sir,
you can try for this seva on april 7th at 11 Am for july month it will be available.
Sir when realease august month seva booking for astadala pada padmarathana.pls any booking tips
You can book on May 5th at 11 Am.
hi, how many persons are allowed to avail the Astadala Seva under one ticket??
Hi sir,
1 ticket 1 person allowed for astadala
In ashtadala pad a pad a rash an a will we sit in front the main deity near kulashekara padi..!?
Hi Sir,
you will be allowed till the first door.
Thank You.
We were planning to visit tirupathi during end of July’17. 4 of us, could you please help how to book astadala paada seva for that time? How to books?. How many? When Can I book?
Hi Madam,
it’s fully booked for the month of july,september tickets will be released online on 16 june 11am.
Thank you.
When will release tickets for this seva in September month? How many people allowed for this seva?
Hi Madam,
on june 16 11am it will be released online,on 1 ticket only one person allowed.
Thank You.
Hi sir, when will release tickets for this seva in Month of September and how many people allowed for this seva?
Hi Madam,
on june 16 11am it will be released online,on 1 ticket only one person allowed.
Thank You.
Hello, When is the next booking date. I missed to book on last week.
Dear sir,
It is now opened till 22nd for lucky dip.
Thank you
I did not get any luck dip? Is the process changed to luck dip only there is no direct booking from now onwards?
Hi Sir,
the process to book seva online is lucky dip.
Thank You.
When can I book for astadala padapadma Seva ticket for October month …Pls give me details ..Tried more than 4 years…Pls help me out
Hi Madam,
you can book on july for the month of october in the TTD official site.
Thank You.
HI Sir,
Could you please let us know is there any seva where 2people and 1 Small Child is allowed for Darshan.
Hi Sir,
Kalyanotsavam seva. 2 persons along with a kid below 12years but should be above 3years are allowed.
Thank You.
hi sir
when is the next booking date for astadala seva
Hi Madam,
on july 7th 11am they will be released online.
Thank You.
Whether this Astadala Pada Padmaradhana Seva is performed to main diety.pls let me know.
Thank you
Hi Sir/Madam,
you will be allowed till the first door.
Thank You.
Hi sir/Madam
I booked for this seva. Is this tickets allotted like lucky draw? There is no option for kids. I have 3yrs old kid. Will be allowed?
Hi Sir,
it is now in the dip system and the children below 12 and above 3 are allowed without tickets.
Thank You.
Dear sir
This seva will be allowed to near main diety let me know the details sir
Hi Sir,
you will be allowed till the first door.
Thank You.
Till first door means maha lagu darsanam let me know
Hi Sir,
till first door it is kulasekara padi.
Thank You.
Can we take the kids below 12 years to seva ..or seva is only one person per ticket..
Hi Sir,
below 12 years and above 3 years kids are allowed.
Thank You.
How many people will be allowed for this seva? please let me know.
Thanks !!
Hi Sir,
only one person for one ticket.
Thank You.
Dear Kishore,
I mean total how many devotees will be allowed for this Seva at a time.
Thanks !!
Hi Sir,
Toatal 20-30 members are allowed for the astdala pada padmaradhana seva.
Sir,When is next online booking
Hi Sir,
Next online booking available on August 4th from 10 AM onwards.
Hi Sir,
Is it online Dip or normal ticket booking?
HI Sir,
It is online Dip booking now process changed sir.
HI Sir,
You can apply for all the sevas sir so that there will be a chance to get.
HI sir,
Once you already booked then for next bookings you have to wait for 6 months and later you can able to book again.
I want lords darsan in suprabatha seva or astadalapada seva to have darsan closely on February 8th 2018.
Pl.advice me in which seva i will be closer to lord and how to book confirmed ticket.
And also if my relatives in USA donate for annaprasada, can i use yearly previleges
Hi Sir,
Please check 90 days before to get the tickets.
Hi Sir, I want to book the tickets on 10-Oct-2017 for Ashtadala Padmaradan so could u please tell me when it is open in d site because I am not able to see right now.
Hi Madam,
Till november tickets are fully booked so you can try for the december month on september 1st onwards.
For registering online for Sevas It is noted that Astadala Pada Padma radhana seva does not appear in the drop down list. Then How to register for Astadala Pada Padmaradhana Seva?
HI Sir,
It is available under electronic seva dip booking please check out
Hi sir good morning..
Which puja/ seva most valuble and luckiest in ttd..?? Kindly tell me sir
Hi Sir,
Astadala paada padmaaradana is the best to attend the seva which you can have the best darshan.
Thank you sir… is it every month released tickets through lucky dip for astadala padaradana..??
Which dates they will announce…??
HI Sir,
Yes every month they will release for particular dates please subscribe to gotirupati we will let you know
Om namo venkateshaya namah.. sir..నేనుphc..అయిన..అష్టదళ పాద పద్మముల సేవ…కు.ఎలా..apply.చేసుకోవాలి..దయచేసి తెలుపగలరు..
HI Sir,
Meeru online lo book chesukovachu next month 6th release avthayi tickets
Sir recently im selected for nijapada darshanam through DIP, please tell about darshanam, can we see the lord adle clouse?
Hi Sir,
Yes you can see the god from kulashekara padi
HI Madam,
you can try to book on oct 6th for seva tickets
Hi sir,I need to book ticket for astadala paada padmaaradana seva on November 28th.when can I proceed sir.
HI Madam,
Tickets are fully booked till december, now january month tickets are releasedyou can try.
At what date will be released on Astadala pada Seva tickets and also what time also
Please tell me
HI Sir,
Tickets will be releasing on nov 3rd at 10 am for feb month you can try to book sir
Hi sir we have a delhi cm letter can we book on 7th nov.2017 Astadala pada padmaradhamu seva tirumala
HI Madam,
If it is mentioned in the letter then you can try madam depends upon the crowd they will accept the letter
Sir How much mem.allowded in one lett.? & all mem.need for booking time? Pl suggest me we will change letter if confirm. Thanx
HI Madam,
Max 2 members allowed with one reccomendation letter
Hi Sir,
can you please share the online link for booking the astadala pada padmaradhanamu seva.
HI Sir,
You can check at ttd official website for bookings
kids below 12 are allowed along with two people
HI Sir,
Yes allowed sir
From 6 am to what time it will end Pooja. I want to know the duration of the Pooja.
HI Sir,
It will be available for 30 -45 mins
HI Sir,
You can try on Dec 8th at 10 am for march month.
Can we go inside temple for this seva ?
HI madam,
yes you can sit at kulashekara padi to watch this seva
I am unable to book on line for this Seva. . How to go about it please
HI Sir,
You can check under electronic seva dip for registration so plan accordingly
Sir when we book tickets childrens will be allowed or not
HI Sir,
children below 12 yrs are allowed along with the parents
Hi Sir,
For april/may/june month, At what date and time tickets are released?
HI Madam,
every month 1st friday tickets will be releasing.
At what time ? ashtadala pasa padmaradhanamu, suprabatham,archana tickets also every month first friday ?
HI Madam,
From 10 am onwards available every month 1st friday
Sir I want to two tickets for the above ashtadala Pada Seva during March 2018. Can I contact ttd office at tnagar chennai or I have wait for the next Friday of january
HI Sir,
till march tickets are fully booked so you can try for april month on jan 5th
Sir I want to book two tickets for Suprabatha Seva. When the quota will be released, or it comes under lucky dip.
HI sir,
You can plan to book on jan 5th for april month
In this seva, will we allowed infront of main deity like thomala seva? If yes how long we will be allowed to sit infront of main deity?
HI Sir,
You are allowed to sit infront of main deity and it may take around 20 mins for seva
HI Sir,
You can try through the lucky dip bookings on arrival a day before so plan accordingly
When will seva electronic lucky dip quota be released for may 2018.
Please reply ?
HI Sir,
Till june tickets are already booked sir
Sir I want 3 tickets for Ashtadala pada padmaradhana. How Can I get 3 tickets. Please reply.
HI Sir,
You can register on april 6th at 10 am for july month
Very informative news. Thanks
Hi sir every month I will register dip seva tickets but not select one time why sir
HI Sir,
It depends upon the luck sir so keep trying
Where is this seva conducted
HI Sir,
This seva is performing inside the temple for main deity
Pls let us know hoe long we can stand infornt of god
HI Madam,
you will sit around 15 – 20 mins madam
Good Evening sir. I request you to kindly help me for booking astadala pads padmardhamanu seva. I am planning to come Thirumala on 06.06.2018. Kindly do needful help me
HI Sir,
On arrival you can try at cro office under lucky dip bookings so plan accordingly
We are not getting the option of dis seva in ttd website..
HI Madam,
you can check on june 1st at 10 am under electronic seva dip to get register
Is this seva only for couples.
Dear sir/Madam,
any one can perform the seva not only couples.
Thank you
Is children allowed with parents? I booked 2 tickets for me and for my wife and I have 2 childrens. Are they allowed with us?
Hi Sir,
if they are below 12 yrs old then they can accompany with you
HI Sir,
On arrival you can try with any reccommendation letters sir
sir i am jagadeesh i will get 2 tickets in astadala pada padmaradhana seva in electronic dip in me and my mother then where is the que line in tirumala and what is the special in this seva
Dear Sir/Madam,
sir please contact 9393939150 for detailed information.
Thank you.
We need to book tickets for this seva., is it available only in the online mode, or any direct procedure can happen to book the tickets?
Dear Sir/Madam,
you need to enroll in electronic seva dip, the next quota will be released on October 5th at 10 am .
Thank you.
For several astadala
Dear Sir/Madam,
You need to enroll online in seva electronic dip, the next quota will be released on November 2nd at 10 am .
Thank you.
How to book tickets for Suprabhatam seva for January,2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
Its already booked till February the next quota will be released on December 7th at 10 am.
Thank you.
Dear sir/mam how to book tickets for ashtathala pada padmaradhanamu seva In january 2019?
Dear Sir/Madam,
You need to enroll online in seva electronic dip, the next quota will be released on DEC 7th at 10 am .
Thank you.
where this seva is performed?
At gharbha gudi?
duration of seva?
Dear Sir/Madam,
All arjitha sevas are performed inside the garbha griha.
Thank you.
how to get tickets for this seva
Dear Sir/Madam,
You need to enroll online in seva electronic dip , the next quota will be released on march 1 st at 10 am .
Thank you.
I need asta thala patha booja ticket sir my humble request sir
Dear Sir/Madam,
You need to participate in seva electronic dip , the next quota will be released on April 5th at 10 am .
Thank you.
Is it necessary that only Couples can attend this Puja/ Seva?
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yes sir only couples can avail darshan .
Thank you.
When will the next tickets be released online? Will they show up on
Dear Sir/Madam,
You need to enroll that in the seva electronic dip on the official site and its lucky dip .
Thank you.