Agasthya nadi Jyothisham: Cost, Procedure, and Booking

Agasthya nadi Jyothisham: Cost, Procedure, and Booking

In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, you can find a Hindu temple called Vaitheeswaran Koil. This temple is dedicated to Shiva. Shiva is also known as Vaidyanathar or Vaitheeswaran. This means “God who heals.”. However, it is believed that the prayers made to Vaitheeswaran can cure illnesses. Vaitheeswaran is derived from the Tamil words vaidya, which means doctor, and Ishwara, which means master or god. Sri Vaidyanathan is the deity who is in charge. He is facing west. The common side faces east, while the common side faces west. God is the one who regenerates. When spoken, it sounds very similar to the Tamil word “Vaitheeswaran.”. It is linked to Mars (Angaraka), one of the nine planet-related temples.
According to legend, the holy waters in the Siddhamirtham Tank, located inside the temple compound, contain nectar. It is believed that a holy dip will cure any illness. The temple is also classified as a Paadal Sthalam. This is a temple that the Saiva Nayanars revered and praised in their Tevaram poetry. Tamil poets of the seventh century wrote these lyrics.

Agasthya nadi Jyothisham

It is believed that Sage Agastya played a significant role in promoting Vedic religions throughout southern India. Sage Agastya was also responsible for the vast expansion of the four Vedas. Lord Brahma blessed Sage Agasthiyar with the knowledge of these mantras. Kurumuni is another name for him, which means “short saint.” He made his most significant contributions to medicine (Siddha), astrology, and Nadi astrology.

Legend has it that Sage Agastya created an Ayurvedic medicine that can bring back the dead. He is said to have lived on Earth for more than five thousand years and kept his immortality all through his life. Therayar and Tholkappiar were his disciples. He is also considered the guru by a large number of Siddhars.

Nadi has been used as an astrological system for at least 10,000 years. Palm leaf reading was also called nadi-astrology and was practiced about a thousand years ago. Nadi astrology is an ancient form that Indian sages used thousands of years ago. Before they were executed, the Saptarishis wrote on palm leaves, using their divine abilities.

Ancient saints and rishis, who received the grace from Lord Siva, could see into the future as well as the present and the past. Sixteen out of eighteen students who were gifted the ability to look into the future by Lord Siva possessed the skill. Sage Agastya has the most developed consciousness of all the sages. These predictions were written on palm leaves using a technique now called Nadi astrology. Many sages, maharishis, and other sages have written about the many types of Nadi leaf. One of the two major groups of Nadi leaf is named after the sage responsible for its composition.

The nadi leaf compartments were found during the 1540 mogul invasion in Tanjore. They were hidden in the palace. The moguls did not want to get rid of the Nadi leaf. They ordered their destruction. Sage Agasthya advised a Brahmin astrologer in his dream to safeguard the leaves. After a 120-kilometre journey to reach the palace, the astrologer found the leaves. Sage Agasthya promised him and his successor prosperity and good luck if they protected the nadi manuscripts. The “Shiva Family” was the first noble family to safeguard the Nadi Manuscripts. The Brahmins and subsequent generations created it.

Agasthya nadi Jyothisham Cost

  • Agastya Nadi: Rs. 2500
  • Siva Nadi: Rs. 4500
  • Vadishwara Nadi: Rs. 6500

For more details, please call or WhatsApp 94441-76673

A minimum of 7 days of booking is advisable to search for the right leaf.

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