Ganganna Sirassu Falls Nellipatla

Ganganna Sirassu Falls Nellipatla near Palamner, which is located at Koundinya Wild Life Sanctuary. Here, Water falls from a height of 600 ft. Nellipatla is a village near Sanctuary, falls is located at a distance of 5 km from the village. Palamner is at the border of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Best time to visit this falls, during rainy season i.e in the months of Oct-Nov- Dec-Jan, flow will be good during rainy season.

Path to this falls is of mud road, it can be reached either by walk or by bikes.

Ganganna Sirassu Water Falls is at a distance of 137 km from Tirupati. It takes 2 hours 30 mins by car.

How to reach Ganganna Sirassu Falls Nellipatla?

Route information shared by Chakrapani Sir
To reach this falls there are two routes.
1. Main town Palamaner. From palamaner to mandipet kottur ~13KM (Bus as well as share auto available). From mandipet kottur with help of local people
inside forest around 5KM only by walk.
2. Main Town Palamaner or Gudiyattam . From palamaner or Gudiyattam Moredhana Dam by bus or your own transport. From Moredhana Dam with help of local people around 9 KM inside the forest only by walk.


  1. Not to travel alone this place as it is in forest area
  2. Not to swim unless you have all materials
  3. Do not leave any plastic or food waste here, as animals come to this falls to drink water.

Ganganna Sirassu Falls Nellipatla

Reference Link: 


  1. Dear Kamal,
    I am chakkrapani from Gudiyattam.
    If anybody wants more information on this falls can contact me as I am a regular visitor to this falls.

    • Dear Sir,
      Thank you so much. Sure I will provide your contact details for any inquiry related to this falls

      • i wud like to go to this place with my team in svims
        how to go there
        please let me know

      • @dr.jagadeesh
        To go to this falls there are two routes.
        1. Main town Palamaner. From palamaner to mandipet kottur ~13KM (Bus as well as share auto available). From mandipet kottur with help of local people
        inside forest around 5KM only by walk.
        2. Main Town Palamaner or Gudiyattam . From palamaner or Gudiyattam Moredhana Dam by bus or your own transport. From Moredhana Dam with help of local people around 9 KM inside the forest only by walk.

    • Hi sir, Please Give your Contact Number regarding we want to know about this falls

      • Dear Sir/Madam,
        Its just 13 km’s away from the Main town of palamaner, and you need to walk 5 km’s in the forest to get to the exact location =.
        Thank you.

  2. @Chakkarapani

    Hi Sir Please Give your Contact number Regarding we want know about complete details of this Falls.