Tirupati Seva Tickets current Booking

Tirupati Seva Tickets current Booking in Tirumala. Procedure to be followed

The devotees can book Seva tickets a day in advance at Tirumala. It is lucky dip enrollment available at CRO office Tirumala for the next day Seva.

Lucky Dip counter Timings: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Tirupati Seva Tickets current and Lucky Dip Booking

Current Booking is available for Kalyanotsavam Seva tickets meant for Newlywed couples. For Current booking, please be there at the counter little early as it is 20 tickets reserved for the newlywed couples.

ID proofs required for Kalyanotsavam Seva: Aadhar Cards, Wedding Invitation, Marriage photos.

The newlywed couple can avail the Seva ticket within 10 days from the date of marriage.

Lucky Dip Booking Sevas

SevaSeva DateTicket costNo.of person/ ticket
Suprabhata SevaAll daysRs.1201
Thomala SevaTue-Wed-ThuRs.2201
Archana SevaTue-Wed-ThuRs.2201
KalyanotsavamAll daysRs.1000One Couple
Arjitha brahmostavamAll daysRs.2001
Unjal SevaAll daysRs.2001
VasanthotsavamAll daysRs.3001
SahasraDeepalankarana SevaAll daysRs.2001
Nijapada DarshanamFriRs.2001
Vishesha PoojaMonRs.6001
Astadala Pada PadmaradhanaTueRs.12501
Sahasra KalasabhishekamWedRs.8501
Melchat VastramFriRs.12250One Couple

Lucky Dip results will be announce after 5 pm thru SMS. One mus register for the Seva Dip a day in advance only with valid Photo ID proofs.

Seva Dress code: Please wear
Men: White Pancha, Dhoti. Must remove Shirt and Vest during the Seva.
Female: Saree with blouse/ Punjabi Dress with Dupatta / Chudidhar with Dupatta/ Half Saree

Sevas performed to the main deity or Utsava deity

SevaSeva Location
Suprabhata SevaTo the main deity
Thomala SevaTo the main deity
Archana SevaTo the main deity
KalyanotsavamInside the Temple to the utsava deity followed by Darshan
Arjitha brahmostavamOutside the Temple to the utsava deity followed by Darshan thru Supadam
Unjal SevaFirst Darshan followed by Seva Inside the Temple to the utsava deity
VasanthotsavamOutside the Temple to the utsava deity followed by Darshan thru Supadam
SahasraDeepalankarana SevaOutside the Temple to the utsava deity followed by Darshan thru Supadam
Nijapada DarshanamTo the main deity
Vishesha PoojaInside the Temple to the utsava deity followed by Darshan
Astadala Pada PadmaradhanaTo the main deity
Sahasra KalasabhishekamTo the main deity
TiruppavadaTo the main deity
PoorabhishekamTo the main deity
Melchat VastramTo the main deity