Tirupati Ganga Jatara 2015
Legend of Tirupati Ganga Jatara 2015
According to folklore, Legend has it that the local chief called as “Palegadu” used to seduce beautiful women. As per his commands, newly-wed women were forced to spend their first wedded night with him. The women prayed to Goddess Jaganmatha who then took birth as Gangamma, at Avilala village, near Tirupati.
When she grew up, Palegadu cast his lustful eyes on Gangamma. Palegadu insulted Gangamma, by pulling her hand in full public view when the later rejected him. When She showed her frightening “Viswaroopam” to him, to escape death, Palegadu fled and hid in an unidentified location. In search of him, Gangamma wore several attires for three days. And On the fourth day, she lured the Palegadu, attired as his boss (Dora). Mistaking her for his boss, Palegadu came into the public, only to be slain by her.
To mark this memorable event and thanksgiving gesture to the Jaganmatha in the form of Goddess Gangamma, Jatara celebration is being held by Tirupati people.
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Reference Link: Jathara details