Tirumala Tirupati Two Brahmotsavams Reason for celebration in a year
Brahmotsavam celebrated during the Kanya Constellation in the Puttarasi month, commencing on the day the Shravana star is ascendant, as initiated by Lord Brahma. An additional Navaratri Brahamotsavam is conducted once in three years, when there is an Adhika Masa or Intercalary month in the year as per lunar calendar.
T.T.D celebrates Navaratri Brahmotsavam festival with great pomp and eclat with crowds in the hundreds of thousands attending each day. During Navaratri Brahmotsavam, there will be no Dwajarohanam on the first day, Dwaja avarohanam on the last day and Wooden Chariot Rathotsavam will also be not there.
Reason for Two Brahmotsavams in a Year
Any Solar calendar has 365 days. However, a Lunar calendar will have 354 days. These difference in the days, over years, make up for the additional month, upon which there will be a sync between the two calendars. Generally, an adhika masa comes every years (32 months, 16 days and 8 ghadis to be precise). A ghadi is 24 minutes.
A year with an Adhika masam will mean that it has 13 months instead of the usual 12 months.
Here, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam does calculations based on Lunar calendar and celebrates second Brahmotsavam during Adhika masa Aswayujam which is called Navartri Brahmotsavam.
Brahmotsavam Gallery
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