Tara Tarini Nitya Bhog, Archana Cost and Timings
Nithya Bhog Cost: Rs.11,000
Bhog Timings: 12:45 pm. Daily.
Tara Tarini Nitya Bhog
The devotee can choose the date and Bhog will be offered on his/her name and family. It is performed once in a year on the devotees’ name. The devotee can avail this Bhog at the temple for the mentioned date. If not collected it will be offered to devotees.
Nithya Archana Cost: Rs.5000 – Rs.11,000
Archana will be performed on Devotees Name or suggested names. It is performed once in a year as opted by the devotee. The devotee who contributed amount Rs.5000 to Rs.11,000 can avail this opportunity
The donation is accepted at the temple admin office or thru DD/MO.
Reference Link: details