Shastipoorthi in Tirumala Tirupati: Cost and Booking

Shastipoorthi in Tirumala Tirupati, Pooja Procedure, Cost and Booking details No. No.of Kalasas: 15 No. of Purohits performing Puja: 2 Purohits Total Duration: 7 to 8 hours (one-day Puja) Shastipoorthi Cost includes Hall rent, Puja Samagri, and Purohit Charges.

Shastipoorthi in Tirumala Procedure

  1. Ganapathi Pooja
  2. Punyahavahanam
  3. Rakshabandhanam
  4. Mruthyunjaya Sahitha Lakshmi Narayana Mandapa Aaradhana (Kalasathapana)
  5. Mruthyunjaya Japam: 1000 accounts
  6. Lakshmi Ganapathi Homam
  7. Maha Ganapathi Homam
  8. Vallabha Ganapathi
  9. Vidya Ganapathi Homam
  10. Navagraha Homam
  11. Mrutyunjaya Homam
  12. Lakshmi Narayana Homa
  13. Janma Nakshatra or Nama Nakshtra Homam
  14. Purnahuthi
  15. Pradakshinam
  16. Avabrutha Snanam
  17. Mangalaya Pooja after wearing new clothes
  18. Mangalyadharana (Optional)
  19. Thalambralu
  20. Poola Dandalu
  21. Aseervachanam

For more details, Please call or WhatsApp on 701-303-3309

Accommodation and Food will be charged additionally. For more details, please call us during office hours 7.30 am to 10.30 pm.

Why is Shastipoorthi Pooja required?

Ugraratha Shanti Pooja will be performed during the Shastipoorthi Pooja procedure. It is said that a Human can live up to 120 years. After completing the 1st half of life which is 60 years, Shastipoorthi is performed for good health and family well-being.

Shastipoorthi Benefits

  • Good Health
  • Peace of Mind
  • It is believed that this Pooja Increases One’s life span by 5 years
  • Family wellbeing
  • Removes disturbances in the family
  • Removes financial issues
  • Removes negative energy

Shastipoorthi Booking Process in Tirumala

  1. Aadhar Cards photocopies are required to block the hall
  2. A minimum of 2 to 3 months of advance booking is advisable
  3. Shastipoorthi will be performed based on the Thithi (Janma Nakshatra and Tarabalam will be calculated)
  4. This Pooja is performed after completing 60 years and entering the 61st year.
  5. A Separate Hall booking is required for this Pooja as Samuhika/ Group Pooja is not performed in Tirumala.
  6. One day and Two days of Pooja are performed based on the hall availability.
  7. Any number of guests can attend the pooja, as there are no restrictions.
  8. Darshan is not part of the Pooja booking process; it has to be booked separately.

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