SriVari Salakatla Brahmotsavam Simha Vahanam
Salakatla Brahmotsavam Simha Vahanam – On the third day of Brahmotsavam.
Tirumala, 18 September 2015: On the third day morning the Lord is taken out in a procession on Simha Vahanam. Simha- the Lion is a symbol of royalty and power. Lord assumed the form of half man and half lion in his Narasimha Avathara. Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavath Geetha that He is the Lion among the animals.
The incarnation of Lord Vishnu as the Mrugendrudu (most ferocious and strong among the animals-Lion) is an indication of Lord Venkateswara as a powerful entity born to punish the erring anti-social elements on the universe and devoted for protection of the righteous, poor and the weaker sections in the society. Being a Simha, is the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu in his incarnation as ‘Narasimha’ whom the puranas and legends speak involumes for his drive against ‘Dushta’(wrong doors) and protection of the weak, poor and the god fearing persons.
In the Yoga shastra – a Lion was seen as an embodiment of power and speed. The valor of Lord Venkateswara who had made such an animal as his vehicle is thus displayed in abundance. The statues of Lions in the Ananda Nilayam in the Srivari temple complex have displayed the affection of Lord Venkateswara for Lions.
Chairman Dr Ch Krishnamurthy, Executive Officer Dr D Sambasiva Rao, Joint Executive Officer Sri K.S.Sreenivasa Raju, SP (URBAN) Sri Gopinath Jatti, CV&SO Sri Nagendra Kumar, Board Members Smt Suchithra Ella, Sri Hariprasad, Sri Raghavendra Rao, Sri AV Ramana, Sri G Bhanuprakash Reddy, ACVSO Sri Sivakumar Reddy, DyEO Temple Sri Chinnamgari Ramana, Peishkar Sri R.Selvam, Parpathyedar Sri Ajay and others were present.
Salakatla Brahmotsavam Simha Vahanam Gallery
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