Nagula Chaviti Pedda Sesha Vahanam
Nagula Chaviti Pedda Sesha Vahanam in Tirumala
In connection with Nagula Chaviti festival on Monday i.e 27 Oct, the processional Deity of Lord Malayappa Swamy along with His consorts took a celestial ride on Peddasesha Vahanam.Like Garuda Vahanam on every Garuda Panchami, Pedda sesha vahanam will take place on Nagula Chavithi. The lord will take ride in the four-mada streets in Tirumala on finely decorated Pedda Sesha Vahanam-the seven hooded snake vehicle believed to be Adisesha and bless the devotees.
The Lord flanked by his two divine consorts — Sridevi and Bhoodevi — takes a pleasure ride on the mighty seven-hooded serpent, the taste fully decorated Golden Pedda Se sha Vahanam. The seven hoods represent the seven hills of Lord Venkateswara. It is believed that it is on this mighty Adisesha that the Lord reclines at his heavenly abode in the Milky Way. It is in appreciation of his services that the Lord bestowed him the honor of being his first Vahanam during the festival.
Nagula Chaviti Pedda Sesha Vahanam Gallery
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