Kukke Subramanya Sevas Poojas

Kukke Subramanya Sevas Poojas, Details, Cost.

S.NoSeva NameCost
 Shri Subrahmanya Sannidhi 
1Maha RathotsavaRs.22000
2Rathotsava on the small ChariotRs.8000
3Chandramandala Utsava in the streetRs.6000
4Flower Chariot UtsavaRs.5000
5Sesha Vahana Bandi Utsava in the AnganaRs.3000
6Panchamrutha MahabhishekaRs.6000
7Palanquin Utsava with DeeparadhanaRs.2500
8Mahapooja with Palaquin UtsavaRs.1500
9Sankshipta Seva (Whole day to all deities)Rs.2000
10Mahapooja (Rituals from day start to day end)Rs.400
11Mahapooja (Rituals performed from Noon)Rs.250
12Panchamrutha Abhishekam with PavamanaRs.100
13Panchamrutha Abhishekam with KalashapoojaRs.100
14Panchamrutha AbhishekamRs.75
17Sesha Seva with AstottaramRs.100
18Harivana NaivedyamRs.100
19Kartika PoojaRs.50
22Milk PayasamRs.100
24Astottara ArchanaRs.20
25Mristanna SantharpaneRs.500
26Santharpane (Feeding 8 people)Rs.200

Kukke Subramanya Sevas Poojas

S.NoSeva NameCost
 Adi Subrahmanya Temple 
2Panchamrutha AbhishekamRs.50
3 Nandadeepa (One month)Rs.350
5Covering cloth to Valmika (anthill)Rs.10
6Fruit-Ghee SamrpanaRs.10
7Astottarra ArchanaRs.50
8Thrimadhura SamrpanaRs.30
9Alankara PoojaRs.100
10Karthika PoojaRs.50
S.NoSeva NameCost
1Thulabhara(Value of articles to be weighed charged extra)Rs.75
2Choula(Shearing child’s hair karike only)Rs.25
3Piercing ear lobs(karike only)Rs.20
6Ashlesha Bali UdyapanaRs.400
7Shastivrata UdyapanaRs.400
8Brahmopadesam (Munji Upanayanam)Rs.500
9Satyanarayana PoojaRs.500
10Night Maha PoojaRs.150
13Trishati ArchanaRs.25
14Mangala HarathiRs.5
15Laddu PrasadaRs.15
17Palanquin Utsava with Night MahapoojaRs.1250
18Nandadeepa(One month)Rs.400


  1. i want to offer Mahapooja in Kukke, what is the process & timings

  2. We are planning to go for namakarana, pls advise need to book in advance ?? And advise procedure..

  3. Sir
    I have to book for the OntiNema Seva at Kukke Sri Subhrahmanya Temple after during Dec 2016 or in the Year 2017…..Can You please Guide me the procedure and How to pay the Fee for the same

  4. How to book online for Special Ashleshbali Pooja for Rs.6000? I tried all the links but unable to book the same. Request your assistance for the same.

  5. I want to perform bhandi utsava and panchamrutha Maha Abhishekam. Whn can these be done?

  6. We want book for bandi utsava during navaratri. Want to know will it be done during that day ?

  7. Hello, What is the procedure to get Pallakki Utsava pooja done in temple? I don’t find any such list here in the web page related to this seva. Could you please help clarify?

  8. We want to go for kalasarpadosa Pooja please give details and time cost

  9. Rathosthva in small chariot how much it’s cost and what time Pooja will start s which is good time to perform this Pooja

  10. basavaraj.k. panibhate.

    we want to go for kalasarpa dosa pooja please send details timeing & payments.

    • HI Sir,

      That is nothing but sarpa samskara you need to book the tickets atkukke.org depends upon the availability you can get the dates to perform.


  11. Hi..I want to perform mantapotsava at kukke, can you guide me on the process of booking the pooja and timings in the month of Mar 2107 or any day in 2017. Thanks.

  12. Hi can you please share the dates for maharathotsava and rathotsava on small chariot.

  13. hi,

    can we perform kalyanam for God?.If we can kindly let me know the procedure.

    • Hi Madam,

      sorry kalyanam will perform occasionally if you planning to perform the kalyanam then suggestable at tiruttani it will be good.


  14. I would like to do Thula haram in kuke , Could you please advise on the timings and dates for thulabaram and do we need to book in advance?

  15. Plz let me know the details of upamayanam, my son is 7 yrs now and we want to perform there.

  16. hi sir i want to know which pooja we have to do for santanam (child birth) in kukke temple and when it wil be performed and at what timings and how much is the cost of pooja ticket. as we are new to temple

  17. Hello sir
    Shall i know the timings of panchamrutha maha abhisheka on day after tomorrow

  18. Hi ,
    We need to perform Ashleysha Bali at kukke subramanyam swamy temple. Can you please let me know the good day to perform.

    • Hi Madam,
      the pooja is performed daily but won’t be performed on special days and ashelesha nakshatra days are the good days for the pooja.

      Thank You.

  19. Pls let me know the timings of tulabhara in kukkesubbramany temple.

  20. Hi sir,

    We need to perform ashlesha Bali Pooja in Kukke , can we perform on astami day? Is this Pooja available on astami day

  21. Hai, sir

    we have to perform Tulabaram harike seva on 25/08/2017(Friday).

    Please let me know about the morning timing,s of the seva and aprox cost, also what time we will be reach

    • HI Sir,

      please check out the link for further details about thulabaram



  22. we hava to perform ksheerabhishekam seva for 4 persons 30/09/2017 satarday evening time what time will be reach temple

  23. We need to perform aslesha Bali puja on 8 th of December
    Is it possible
    Do we have to book ticket now only

  24. hello,
    we done palanquin utsava and deeparadhane, is there any rule like don’t eat non-veg till 11days after the puja.
    do we need to stop eating non-veg for some days if we done that puja

  25. Iam Satyanarayana t e I want do ashlesha pooja on Sunday 24 dec 2017 .whether I book ticket or directly i can come what is the procedure What time i should reach kukke.kindly respond sir. How to pay money. How many members can come for pooja.

    • HI Sir,

      for one ticket 2 members are allowed and tickets can be booked in online also on arrival from 5 am onwards you can get the tickets. In 2 slots you can perform the pooja 7 am and 9am


  26. ಸಾರ್ ನನ್ನ ಹೆಸರು ವೀರೇಶ್,
    ನಾವು ಆಶ್ಲೇಷ , ಸರ್ಪಸಂಸ್ಕಾರ ಮತ್ತು ನಾಗ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠೆ ಪೂಜೆ ಮಾಡಿಸಬೇಕು ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿ…
    ಹಣ ಎಷ್ಟು ಆಗುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಎಷ್ಟು ಜನ ಬರಬೇಕು ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಎಷ್ಟು ದಿನ ವಾಸಮಾಡಬೇಕು ಹಾಗೆ advance tickets book ಮಾಡೋದು ಹೇಗೆ ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮಾಹಿತಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿ…

    • HI Sir,

      you can book the tickets in online it depends upon the availability dates you can book for further details you can contact at 9393939510


  27. hello sir,
    i have booked for sarpasamskara for my fil on march 3rd… now someone told me we should not consume onions,garlic and non veg for 41 days and we should not visit any vishnu temple too…we have suprabhata seva booked for April 7 in tirumala….can you please give me more information on this.

  28. Panchamrutam abhisekam timings, what we should bring to perform this abhisekam

  29. Sir navu kalasarpadosha pooje madisbeku details tilistira mathe seva sulka heli sir

  30. Wich Parsan name booking the pooja family head or dosha effected parsan

  31. Sir naavu maha abhisheka madisabheku Kala Sarpa dosha edhe.how to book for mahaabhisheka in kukke subramanya temple

  32. sir to day booking 3301/- cost
    20 /01/2019 booking date
    be fore attend one day or to days
    pooja day 1 19/1
    pooja day 2 20/1
    pooja day 1 20/1
    pooja day 2 21/1 please inframastion

  33. Sir we have to do Naga prathistapana for this pooja what the price. when we have book the pooja ticket.

    Pls share all the details

    • Madam,
      Naga Prathistapana tickets can be purchased over the counter. If you are planning for Sarpa Samskara then Naga Prathistapana will be performed on the 2nd day. If you are planning for Naga Prathistapana alone, then ticket can be purchased on arrival over the counter.


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