Grishneshwar Ekadasa Rudrabhisheka

Grishneshwar Ekadasa Rudrabhisheka Timings, Ticket Cost and Benefits

Ticket Cost: Rs.5501 per person


Morning Hours: 6:00 am – 11:00 am

Afternoon Hours: 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Dress Code: Male devotee must enter the temple without Shirt and Vest. Dhoti must be in Saffron or Yellow Colour. White  Colour Dhoti not allowed for Abhisheka.

Female devotee: Any decent outfit.

The ticket has to be purchased at the counter itself. Online Booking is not available.

The priest will be accompanying the devotee and assisting during the Puja.


  1. For Good Health and Wealth
  2. Removes Enemy fear
  3. For Longevity.
  4. For Career Growth.

Reference Link: details