Chandra Prabha Vahanam Tirumala
On the EVENING of seventh day of the Srivari Navarathri Brahmotsavam at Tirumala the presiding deity Lord Venkateswara rides atop a Chandra Prabha Vahanam in the form of Sri Venugopala swamy to the delight of thousands of devotees who gather around the four mada streets to witness the divine event.
Chandra, or the moon stands for promoting medicinal values among living beings including plants.
As per the scripts in the “Purushottam Praptiyagam” Chandra is described as Lord Vishnu who as an invisible architect evolved solutions for all ills of the society. The Saint exponent Geeta Charya says “Nakshatrana Aham Shashi” (I am a spot on the moon) indicating the presence of moon as an integral part of the celestial system.
“The Chandra Prabha Vahanam signifies the role of school of herbal and ayurvedic medicine“.
Chandra Prabha Vahanam Photo Gallery
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