Pitra Dosh Puja in Varanasi: Cost, Benefits, and Timings The purpose of the Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja is to ease the ill effects of the ancestors’ curse. Pitra dosh is the state in which the souls of one’s deceased ancestors are disturbed because of unresolved matters or unfulfilled wishes. As …
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Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Varanasi: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure
Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Varanasi: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure Kaal Sarp Dosh happens when all seven planets lie between Rahu and Ketu. Sarp means snake, while Kaal means death. A person gets the Kaal Sarpa Dosha at his next birth if they kill or causes the death of an …
Read More »Naga Pratishta in Bangalore: Cost, Date, Timings, Benefits, and Procedure
Naga Pratishta in Bangalore: Cost, Date, Procedure, and Benefits Shastras prohibit the installation of idols in the mating style. Astrology states that watching snakes mate is a sin. Such idols cannot be utilized for installations. Furthermore, the height of the installed idols in the temple’s sanctum sanctorum should not be …
Read More »Ganapathi Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure
Ganapathi Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure Ganapathi Homam aims to attract wealth, happiness, and health. Lord Ganesha is available for prayer by anyone who wants to ask God to remove all obstacles from their plans, tasks, businesses, or actions and grant them victory in all of their actions. …
Read More »Ayush Homam in Chennai: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure
Ayush Homam in Chennai: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure On a birthday occasion, this homa blesses the devotee with longevity, energy, and rejuvenation. It helps to treat severe medical conditions and mental illnesses. This homa positively impacts an individual’s mind and mental health. It serves as a cure for people who …
Read More »Pratyangira Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Date, Benefits, and Booking
Pratyangira Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Date, Benefits, and Booking The strong Devi Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi reportedly crushes Sarabheswara’s arrogance. Sarabheswara is Lord Shiva’s ugra avatar. To fight evil, Lord Vishnu assumed the angered incarnation of Narasimha. Everyone shivered when Lord Narasimha became enraged and drank the blood of rakshas, …
Read More »Mrityunjaya Homam in Temple Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Date
Mrityunjaya Homam in Temple Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Date Lord Shiva is prayed to during Maha Mruthyunjaya Homam to prevent premature death. The purpose of the Mruthyunjaya Homam is to attain victory over death. This homa helps increase the lifespan. These mantras are part of the famed Soma sacrifice’s purnahuti …
Read More »Dhanvantari Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Booking
Dhanvantari Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Booking Dhanvantari is the Varanasi King and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. With Amrit Kalash in his hand, he made an appearance during the milk ocean churning. The Puranas refer to him as the God of Ayurveda. The famous Indian physician Sushruta also …
Read More »Aghora Pashupatha Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure
Aghora Pashupatha Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, Timings, and Procedure Shiva has five faces: 1. Vamadeva, 2. Sadyojata, 3. Aghora, 4. Tatpurusha, and 5. Eshana. Aghora, the head of the Bootha Ganas, Rudhra, is the second incarnation of Shiva. This homam is performed for Bootha, Drishti dosha Parihara, and Pretha …
Read More »Swayamvara Parvathi Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure
Swayamvara Parvathi Homam in Bangalore: Cost, Benefits, and Procedure To wed Lord Shiva, the divine mother assumed the form of Goddess Parvati Devi. Lord Shiva gave Goddess Parvati Devi the Swayamvara Parvati Mantra, which enabled her to get along with her divine spouse. The Swayamvara Parvati Homa removes several barriers …
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