Sri Kalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Tickets

Sri Kalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Tickets, Booking and Pooja location.

S.No Ticket Cost Pooja Location Pooja Procedure Pooja restriction Darshan
1 Rs.500 Mantap Outside Temple
near Pathala Ganapathi Temple.
Pooja can be performed
as a single or Couple.
Only two persons
allowed for the PoojaI.
Only Pooja performed persons allowed for the Darshan. General Darshan Line.



To access the special Darshan line, devotees can purchase Rs.50 or Rs.200 tickets. The ticket cost is per person.

2 Rs.750 Outside Temple at Nagari Kumarula Mandapam Pooja can be performed as a single or Couple. Only two persons are allowed for the Pooja. Only Pooja performed persons allowed for the Darshan


2 persons in the Rs.50 tickets Darshan Line.

Rs.50 tickets to be purchased for additional persons.

3 Rs.1500 Ac Mantap Outside Temple beside addala mandapam. Near Dwajasthambham Pooja can be performed as a single or Couple. Only two persons are allowed for the Pooja. (Family with more than 2 persons not allowed while performing Pooja) Only Pooja performed persons allowed for the Darshan. 2 members on ie. Rs.200 darshan Line.


One person Rs.200 ticket to be purchased for additional persons.

4 Rs.2500 Inside Temple near Kalyanotsavam Mantap Pooja can be performed as a single or Couple. Only two persons are allowed. (Family with more than 2 persons not allowed while performing Pooja) Only Pooja performed persons allowed for the Darshan. 2 members were on. Rs.200 tickets are to be purchased for additional persons.
5 Rs.5000 Inside Temple at Sahasra Linga shrine. Pooja can be performed as a single or Couple. Only two persons are allowed. (Family with more than 2 persons not allowed while performing Pooja) Only Pooja performed persons allowed for the Darshan. 2 members were on. Rs.200 tickets to be purchased for additional persons.

Pooja can’t be performed for the group.

Rahu Ketu Pooja Dress Code

Male: Any decent outfit.

Female: Saree with blouse/ Punjabi Dress with Dupatta / Chudidhar with Dupatta/ Half Saree. Any decent outfit is allowed.

Srikalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Online Booking Procedure

  1. Online booking is not available for the Pooja tickets.
  2. Rahu Kalam Pooja tickets will be in high demand.
  3. 1 -2 hours waiting time required for the Pooja tickets on Peak season.
  4. Sri Kalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Tickets cost varies from Rs.500 – Rss.5000

Auspicious 2022 and 2023 Rahu Ketu Pooja Date and Timings




Preferred Timings

Apr 2022


May 2022


Jun 2022


Jul 2022


Aug 2022



Sep 2022



4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

Oct 2022



3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Nov 2022



12.00 pm to 1.30 pm

Dec 2022



10.30 am to 12.00 pm

Jan 2023



9.00 am to 10.30 am

Feb 2023



7.30 am to 9.00 am

Mar 2023



3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Reference Link: Pooja Timings


  1. Dear Sir,

    At what time on Dec 20th we can perform rahu ketu Pooja so that it will be good

  2. Rahu kethu Pooja

  3. Procedures for online bookings of rahukethu pooja on 28/12/2016 at 12 noon

  4. Sir,

    We are a family of 4 i.e parents and two unmarried daughters. All of us have to do the pooja. Can you please suggest how all of us can do the pooja at the same time.

  5. Hello! Which day of the week is best for rahu ketu pooja? Want to do it in the month of April. Is the rahu ketu pooja done only on Saturday?


    • HI Madam,

      Every day rahu kethu pooja available but preferable days are tuesdays and sundays during rahu kalam,and also saturday also you will get the pooja between 9 am to 10:30 am.


  6. Dear sir,

    Sarpadosha pooja and Rahul khedu pooja is same or different pooja. Is it possible to get ticket for pooja at temple and one day is enough for pooja and temple dharshanam

  7. Hi Sir,

    I booked ticket on Thursday to go to Sreekalahasthi from Hyderabad, so I will come there on friday morning.
    Can I go for Rahu Kethu Pooja on Friday ? can you please tell me the process of Rahu Kethu Pooja…

    • Hi Sir,

      yes you can perofrm the pooja on friday between 10:30 am to 12 pm and the procedure can followed below:

      Procedure to be followed for Rahu Ketu Pooja

      1) A day before pooja, one should sleep on floor
      2) Next day morning after taking bath, reach Temple and do Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols.
      3) After Abhishekam, please perform Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
      4) After pooja, please donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
      5) Now you are good to leave home.

      No need to change clothes. Not required to sleep on floor. You can do one thing, after arriving at Kalahathi, try to perfrom abhishekam to the Idol at Rudra padam with 1-2 liters of milk. Just sprinkle milk on the idols which is not reachable to you.

      Why I’m suggesting Rudra Padam is , right from the beginning of this temple , Rahu Ketu pooja to be conducted here so these idols holds actual power.
      As crowd is increasing so they moved Rahu Ketu pooja process inside Halls. So it is advisable to perform abhishekam and do 3 pradakshinam.

      After this you are can purchase ticket from the counter and perform pooja. After pooja, try to donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor. With this you will get complete benefit from the pooja.


  8. what is the difference between the 300 and 750 ticket? Is the rahu keta kala sarpa dosha pooja different? which one is advisable for kala sarpa dosha? I understand the difference in the darshan.

    • HI Sir,

      pooja is same but performing pooja is in different place 300 rs ticket pooja is performing outside the temple and 750 rs ticket is also outside the temple but performing hall is AC and after pooja both will have the darshan same.


  9. Dear sir,
    we will be coming on saturday night.on sunday we want to do senijapam and rahuketupuja.and can we return home by afternoon 2 pm to vijayawada

  10. Dear Sir
    I want to do kal sarpa yog nivaran puja on 26.02.2017 between 1640 hrs to 1800 hrs at
    Sahasralingam with my wife.

    • HI Sir,

      yes you can perform during rahu kalam between 4:30 to 6 pm and you will get tickets at temple counter one hour before.


  11. Dear Sir
    I want to do kal sarpa yog nivaran puja on 26.02.2016 between 1640hrs to 1800hrs.

  12. i would like to perform chandi homam and rahu kethu pooja. can you explain me the procedure on what i have to do from the beginning to end.

    • HI Sir,

      First perform the chandi homam and then rahu kethu pooja and the procedure need to follow are given below:

      Procedure to be followed for Rahu Ketu Pooja

      1) A day before pooja, one should sleep on floor
      2) Next day morning after taking bath, reach Temple and do Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols.
      3) After Abhishekam, please perform Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
      4) After pooja, please donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
      5) Now you are good to leave home.

      No need to change clothes. Not required to sleep on floor. You can do one thing, after arriving at Kalahathi, try to perfrom abhishekam to the Idol at Rudra padam with 1-2 liters of milk. Just sprinkle milk on the idols which is not reachable to you.

      Why I’m suggesting Rudra Padam is , right from the beginning of this temple , Rahu Ketu pooja to be conducted here so these idols holds actual power.
      As crowd is increasing so they moved Rahu Ketu pooja process inside Halls. So it is advisable to perform abhishekam and do 3 pradakshinam.

      After this you are can purchase ticket from the counter and perform pooja. After pooja, try to donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor. With this you will get complete benefit from the pooja.


  13. Dear sir,

    We are planning Rahu Ketu Pooja on 13 th March 2017 morning- between 7.30 to 9 AM.
    How can we book in advance ?

    • HI Sir,

      you can perform the pooja on march 13th during rahu kalam and you can get tickets on arrival no advanced bookings.


  14. Hi sir,
    My son 13 yrs and husband both are having Sarpa dosha. planning to do it on Sunday or Monday.which is the best day and what Pooja to be many tickets should we take for a family of 3 members .

    • HI Madam,

      your son and husband to perform 2 seperate pooja so plan 300 rs tickets but crowd will be there if you want to perform the pooja inside the temple then please go for 1500 tickets and preferable days to perform the pooja is Sunday and tuesdays during rahu kalam.


  15. Is booking for the Pooja is complsury. We have to perform pooja in rahu Kala

    • HI Sir,

      There is no online booking on arrival you can get the tickets at counter , but preferable timings are during rahu kalam.


  16. Sir , I was asked to see pallaiyarai pooja on Friday night and sat morning Paal abishegam, then asked to do parigara pooja in kalahasti…. What is the timing and how much to pay for this??? Pls guide me

  17. Hi sir,
    I just saw somewhere that pooja is not performing these days bcoz of brahmotsavam.I already booked tickets n room. Is Rahu Ketu pooja performing tomorrow?

    • HI MAdam,

      Rahu kethu pooja is available daily except Feb 24th so you can perform it no problem.


    • Namaha shivaya…I was in kalahasthi on 7th of feb2017 to do rahu ketu pooja.I had booked my air tickets in advance.I did not know that on 8th there was Kumbabishekam.only when my daughter called the hotel to book she was told that temple will be closed on 7th.immediately I caled the priest to find out.he said not to worry and we can go and do dosha nivarana we were happy and went to was our first trip to we completely depended on the particular priest who was supposed to help us. we paid 15.000rs for 4 of us.after doing the pooja we go round the temple.MY EYES,MY SOUL WAS EAGER TO HAVE DARSHAN OF KALAHASTHIESWAR.when were told that main sannadhi is closed can imagine the shock we was like thunder falling on me. i never knew that during kumbabishekam main sannadhi is closed.only if thi prist would hv told me when I caled him we would hv resecluded my dates.instead of 7th WE WOULD HV GONE ON flight was on 10th.until now I am like lifeless as we could not see kalahasthieshwara. pls before going temple make sur that main sannadhi is opened.I am praying to him to take us there again as soonas possible.

  18. Sir,My daughter will perform KALA SARPA DOSHA POOJA on 04-05-2017 at 7 a.m.Is it sufficient to purchase tickets on reaching temple?

  19. konduru anjipandurangarao


  20. konduru anjipandurangarao


    • HI Sir,

      there is no online bookings for rahu kethu pooja on arrival you can get the tickets 1 hr before the pooja. and procedure to be followed given below:

      Procedure to be followed for Rahu Ketu Pooja

      1) A day before pooja, one should sleep on floor
      2) Next day morning after taking bath, reach Temple and do Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols.
      3) After Abhishekam, please perform Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
      4) After pooja, please donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
      5) Now you are good to leave home.

      No need to change clothes. Not required to sleep on floor. You can do one thing, after arriving at Kalahathi, try to perfrom abhishekam to the Idol at Rudra padam with 1-2 liters of milk. Just sprinkle milk on the idols which is not reachable to you.

      Why I’m suggesting Rudra Padam is , right from the beginning of this temple , Rahu Ketu pooja to be conducted here so these idols holds actual power.
      As crowd is increasing so they moved Rahu Ketu pooja process inside Halls. So it is advisable to perform abhishekam and do 3 pradakshinam.

      After this you are can purchase ticket from the counter and perform pooja. After pooja, try to donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor. With this you will get complete benefit from the pooja.


  21. Sunday Rahu kethu pooja timings
    tell me about any bring ingredients

  22. I wish to do my rahu kethu pooja on february 26 th sunday…plz tell me the pooja timings on sunday…also i want to know that do you practise there “shani pooja”…can we do “rahu kethu pooja” and “shani pooja “together..?plzz tell me the pooja duration of the two…also i want to know that should we tell our stars for pooja proceedure..?

    • HI Madam,

      On sunday rahu kalam pooja timings are between 4:30 pm to 6pm yes morning you can do the shani pooja and evening you can perform the rahu kethu pooja .and procedure to perform the rahu kethu pooja are find below.

      Procedure to be followed for Rahu Ketu Pooja

      1) A day before pooja, one should sleep on floor
      2) Next day morning after taking bath, reach Temple and do Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols.
      3) After Abhishekam, please perform Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
      4) After pooja, please donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
      5) Now you are good to leave home.

      No need to change clothes. Not required to sleep on floor. You can do one thing, after arriving at Kalahathi, try to perfrom abhishekam to the Idol at Rudra padam with 1-2 liters of milk. Just sprinkle milk on the idols which is not reachable to you.

      Why I’m suggesting Rudra Padam is , right from the beginning of this temple , Rahu Ketu pooja to be conducted here so these idols holds actual power.
      As crowd is increasing so they moved Rahu Ketu pooja process inside Halls. So it is advisable to perform abhishekam and do 3 pradakshinam.

      After this you are can purchase ticket from the counter and perform pooja. After pooja, try to donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor. With this you will get complete benefit from the pooja.


  23. Hi,

    We(Myself & MY friend) wanted to have Rahu ketu pooja on sunday i.26th Feb 2017.

    And I , myself wanted to have kalasarpa & shani pooja on the same day.

    Can you tell me the procedure to book the ticket and do all these poojas on the same day?.

    WIll i get the pooja slot easily and Is the prebooking is required to perform these poojas?.

    Please let me know all the things.


    • HI Madam,

      there is no prebookings at kalahasthi on arrival first perform the shani pooja and then finally perform the rahu kethu pooja.on arrival you can get the tickets


  24. May I know the timings of Rahu Ketu Pooja on Monday and Tuesday i.e 27th and 28th Feb.

  25. Sir.

    For a Tuesday Rahu Kethu Pooja, want to come and stay on Monday there ?

    Please advise me…….


  26. Hi Sir, I want to perform Rahu Keta Pooja on wednes day (15.03.2017). Pls can u tell about timings. I knew that there early closing of pooja timinngs on Wednesday, is it true or not. I want to perform it at 4.30 Pm. Is the time is suggestable..?

    • HI Sir,

      you can perform this pooja during rahu kalam is preferred between 12pm to 1:30 pm and tickets can booked on arrival.


  27. Wednesday Pooja timing,

  28. I want to perform rahuketu pooja on 30/6/17. Is it performed on that day.

  29. helllo sir,

    my family have a marriage plan in kalakasthi temple . may i know the procedure of that.

    A Sivagurunathan

    • Hi Sir,

      At temple they will not perform the marriage near by temple at any mantap you can get please contact 9393939150 for further details.


  30. Dear Sir,

    I want to do pooja ‘Inside temple at Sahsara Linga shrine’ (5000/-) is that ticket cost allows 2 persons inside temple is that correct?

    Another question, I have two kids and do I need to buy 2 more extra tickets or one additional ticket should be sufficient.

    Are kids are allowed inside temple or are there any restrictions.

    Thank you.

  31. we should no eat anything before pooja(rahu ketu pooja)

    • HI Madam,

      yes preferable fasting till pooja.


      • Sir we are planning to come srikalahasti on 18 th march to perform rahu kethu pooja on 19 th.we wil reach temple around 4.30 am .can we get darshan early?is it be crowded during that time?can we buy milk from temple premises for abhishekam? When we will purchase ticket for rahu ketu pooja ? Pls xplin sir.
        Thank u in advance

        • HI Madam,

          temple will be open from 5:30 am onwards so plan after that and also one hour before pooja you can get the tickets earlier you cannot, you can perform the abhishekam at rudrapadam.


  32. I want to know one thing all the poojas are same but only place matters right or any difference in pooja also ..can u please give me clarity on this …because i want kala sarpa dosa pooja…please suggest me

  33. Sir,
    I want to perform Rahu Kethu Kaala Sarpa Dosha tomorrow during 4.30pm to 6.00 pm. I have no problem maintaining fast till that time.

    Will the pooja be performed tomorrow or will it be closed on the account of Holi? Also will the main temple open tomorrow?

    Please answer. Thanks.

  34. Can you plz tell me d timings for rahuketu sarpakala dosha puja on 19-03 Sunday .. Is there any online booking facility. .

    • HI Madam,

      There is no online bookings for Rahu Kethu pooja On arrival you can get the Tickets at temple counters And timings during sunday rahu kalam is 4:30 pm to 6pm.


  35. Vanakam,
    Can a couple bring two children before 10years old togehter into the pooja?

  36. What is the ideal time to perform rahu kethu pooja on Wednesday ( 29.03.2017)

    Can we buy tickets in advance ( previous day ) ?

    Can siblings do pooja together or it is meant for married couple

    • HI Madam,

      you can plan to perform between 12pm to 1:30 pm and tickets can get at the temple counter. anybody can perform the pooja.


  37. Sir, We want perform Rahu Kethu puja at Kalahasti temple on 4th April 2017. What are the timings and cost.

  38. Hi sir. I came for rahu ketu Pooja on monday. Actual rahu kalam is 7am to 9am. Bt I completed my Pooja before started rahu kalam. Is it right or wrong procedure for pooja

  39. What is the procedure for kalasharp a dosa puja.

  40. What is the procedure for performing kalasharpa dosa puja.

    • HI Madam,

      You can perform on sunday or tuesday during rahu kalam, tickets are available at temple counter only.


  41. Is there any dress code to perform Rahul kala pook

  42. Is there any dress code for a person to perform Raghu kala Pooja

  43. how can i book this 1500/- rahu – kethu pooja

  44. Where is the link to book seva tickets sir..

  45. Is there any timings or days when the temple is over crowded and it is best to avoid?

  46. Hi Sir/Madam,
    My Wife and I are planning to perform Kal Sarpa Dosha pooja on May 7th (Sunday). Are kids allowed to be there with us during the pooja . My kids are 11yrs and 8yrs. Thanks

    • HI Sir,

      Yes your kids are allowed along with you if the children are less than 12 yrs.


    • Krishna Chaitanya

      Dear Jai Shanker Sir.

      Please check whether the kids are having Kala Sarpa Yoga or Dosha. If it is not there in their horoscope they are not allowed for pooja they should not listen to the mantras. Please take care.

  47. What time issue the Rahu ketu Pooja tickets to day 30th April 2017

  48. Hello sir., I am planning to perform kalasarpa dosha puja in the month of may 2017 please suggest me the best day.
    My wife is not having kalasarpa dosha is it OK if she joins me in puja.?
    Name: Vinayaka N
    DOB: 6/9/1983, 11.05 PM


    • Hi Sir,

      Anybody can perform the pooja without the dosha also, pooja will be available daily between 6am to 6pm. preferably during rahu kalam.


  49. Hi,

    Good morning.
    Can you please tell me at what time exactly the raghu kethu pooja will be done on 10 may 2017.

    Thank you.

    • HI Sir,

      rahu kethu pooja is available daily between 6 am to 6pm but preferable timings are 12pm to 1:30 pm.


  50. Hi Sir,

    I’m planning to visit Srikalahsati temple on Saturday 13th May after having Darshan at Tirupathi on 12th May.

    And also planning to do Rahu Ketu pooja on Rahu kalam that is from 9-10.30am. At what time i can get the tickets for pooja.? Can i come in formal Pant and Shirt or only traditional wear is allowed dusing pooja timing?

    can we get accomodation near by temple for 6 person to stay over night?


    • HI Sir,

      You can get the tickets at temple counters one hour before the pooja and there is no dress code to perform this pooja and for accomadation you need to approach directly,if you need to any assistance then you can chat with us instantly.


  51. Hi, do we need to stay there at least one night or sometime after Pooja done. Can you please confirm.

  52. How to book rahu ketu poja ticket at online

    • Hi Sir,

      There is no online bookings for rahu kethu pooja on arrival you can get the tickets at temple counter.


  53. Gayitri Krishnamurthy

    Please let us know the reasons for variation in rahu kethu Pooja, since except place of performance, all other details are same. But price is shown from RS.300 to RS.5000

    • Dear Madam,

      Yes, Place of performance only varies in this costs. Rs. 300 and RS. 750 are performed outside the temple, Rs. 1500 and RS. 2500 are performed inside the temple and Rs. 5000 are performed separately.

      Thank you.

  54. Gayitri Krishnamurthy

    Rahu kethu Pooja and Rahu Kethu Sandhi Pooja – Are these Pooja’s are same or different

  55. HI

    We are reaching on 22nd of June to Tirupathi.I wanted to do rahu pooja for my son as he has rahu dosham . At what time I have to come to do the pooja as morning is our drashanan timing at Trirupathi.

    • Dear sir,
      Pooja’s time duration is 1hr, Pooja is done all days of week from morning 6am to evening 6pm (batches). You can get tickets at temple on arrival.

  56. If I take 1500 Rs tickets will the Pooja be performed inside temple or outside temple ?

    In the above table it is showing outside temple ??

    But in the above comments you have said it is done inside temple.

    Can you please clarify?

  57. Can we come personally and perform​ Rahu Dosha nivarana Puja on behalf of our relative ? Please clarify. Thanks for your help

  58. Hi sir,

    Rahu kethu Pooja tickets will be available in online or we should purchase in temple on the same day.


  59. Hi sir,

    What are things we have to bring for rahu ketu pooja? And what is the dress code for men and women?

    Please acknowledge, Thanks

    • Hi Sir,
      you will be provided with the things at the temple and it’s better to follow a traditional dress code.

      Thank You.

  60. Hi sir,
    Anyone can do this rahu ketu pooja or only the one who had dosha ? Even if we didn’t have any dosha shall we do this?

  61. Is it must to stay one night at temple before rahu ketu pooja or we can come on the same day itself?

  62. Hello…rahu ketu Pooja performed on any location…is the same..or more charges means more detailed Pooja?
    One more query any one can do Pooja or we have to CHK rahudosham in horoscope…and if couple can sit in Pooja on whose name Pooja performed….
    Pls guide me through…
    Thank you.

    • Hi Sir/Madam,
      for one ticket two can perform the pooja and for different prices only the location changes but the pooja is same.

      Thank You.

  63. if we are going to conduct a pooja on sunday evening, till what time we are getting the pooja tickets? if we come in the afernoon shall we get the pooja tickets?

  64. Is there any difference in Rahu-Ketu Pooja which has done outside the temple or inside the temple?

  65. If we perform Pooja on tomorrow we can get tickets as when we reach or there is any restrictions limited seats

  66. If. We perform Pooja on Monday can we tickets on Sunday we purchase RS 5000 tickets we perform Pooja in front of the god?

    • Hi Madam,
      you can get tickets on sunday for monday’s pooja and the pooja is performed in front of god.

      Thank You.

  67. How to book the ticket online for tomorrow poojas at 3pm

  68. How to book tickets for pooja

  69. Does 3 persons including devotee(for whom Pooja has to be done) is allowed for 750rs ticket?

    Do we have to buy any other tickets for darshan?

    Plz guide us in detail about procedure on how to perform Rahu Ketu Pooja?

  70. Is there any option to do pooja as parihara without participation. As the person is not able to travel now. As gets ok will come and repeat

  71. We need rahu ketu pooja for tomorro

  72. Sir, is there any difference in Pooja as performed of Rs 5000 and Rs 750.and i want to perform the Pooja on Sunday, is there any time barrings

  73. Is there any difference in pooja of different category of rahu ketu pooja as mentioned in your sight.and is there any time frame to perform the Poona on sunday

  74. Sir after shanipooja I go to thirupathi darshan

  75. Hi,

    which good day to perform Rahu ketu pooja, should we have to stay there and we have 3 member one ticket is enough or should we have to buy two tickets, is rooms available to stay in kalahasthi

    • Hi Sir,
      staying there a night before the pooja day is good for the pooja,and only 2 members are allowed in a ticket and for temple accommodations you can try on your arrival.

      Thank You.

  76. Hello sir I want to perform rahu and ketu pooja what is the dress code and what are items I want to get

    • Hi Sir,
      you can follow any traditional dress code and you will be provided with the materials in the temple.

      Thank You.

  77. Sir
    can we book rahu ketu puja tickets in advance,if so how many days in advance

  78. Sir, Can we book the tickets for rahuketu pooja online ?

  79. In which days can rahu kethu pooja be done?

  80. I wish to make parikaaram for Raghu kedhu peyarchi this year 2017 to my family. Is there any option to send bank dd to kalahasti temple by post for archanai and to receive prasadham to my home in Tamilnadu. I can send names, Rashi , natchatram, lagnam and bank dd.

  81. Hi sir
    I want to perform rahu ketu puja on 23 rd july may i know timing of puja

    • Hi Sir,
      you can perform the pooja between 6am to 6pm and since 23rd july is a sunday the best time to perform the pooja is 4:30pm to 6pm.

      Thank You.

  82. I am Venkatraman from Chennai, to perform Raghu kedhu Pooja (pariharam), on any Monday (7-30 to 9 a.m), how many hours before the ticket has tobe purchased, Is there any limit? After Pooja can I visit other temples in that trip on that day?

    • Hi Sir,
      the pooja is performed daily between 6am to 6pm and on your arrival you can purchase the tickets and after the pooja you should not visit any other temple you have to directly go home and on the next day you can visit any other temple.
      Thank You.

  83. I want to perform kala sarpa dosha nivaran pooja on 27.07.2017, Thursday. Is it ok?

  84. Sir

    We have to perform parikaranam on August 18 Friday. After the pooja we have planned to go to tirupati. Is that fine?

    • Hi Sir,
      after performing rahu ketu pooja at srikalahasti you have to directly go home and after going home you can visit any other temple the next day.
      Thank You.

  85. One Tuesday rahukalam is 3 to 4.30 pm . When will Rahu Katu Pooja be performed? i will be travelling from chennai is it ok if I reach there Around 11 or 12 in the afternoon and buy the ticket?

    • Hi Madam,
      it is better to perform in the rahu kaalam time but the pooja will be performed between 6am to 6pm and you can buy the tickets on your arrival.
      Thank You.

  86. Dear Sir

    I would like to perform Rahu Ketu special pooja Rs 2500. but we have totally 3 Adults and 1 KID
    Can they allow for Rs 2500 ticket?

    • Hi Sir,
      for each ticket only two adults and 1 child below 12 are allowed, you have to take 2 tickets for 3 adults and 1 child below 12.
      Thank You.

  87. Krishna sakinala

    Sir what are the timings for rahu kethu pooja on 6th of August. Can u please guide me

  88. one siddhanthi told me to perform rahukethuvu pooja to my daughter on 16.08.2017 which is rohini nakshatram and then visit to Tirupathi. How far is it correct.

    • Hi Sir,
      after performing the rahu ketu pooja you should not visit any other temple you have to directly go home and after going home on the next day you can visit any other it is better to visit tirupati first and then srikalahasti.
      Thank You.

  89. Hello sir

    Please guide the rituals to be followed before and after kala sara nivaran dosha pooja…

    • HI Sir,

      please follow the link for the procedure to perform the kala sarpa nivarana pooja



  90. I want to perform rahuketu pooja on 5th august and i will stay in a hotel for that night.and on 6th august i am going to visit tirumala is that ok.

    • Hi Sir,
      after performing rahu ketu pooja you have to directly go home not visiting any temple,but you can visit tirumala and then go for performing rahu ketu pooja.
      Thank You.

  91. Any special dresscode?

  92. Hi sir..!
    I want to take Rahu Ketu pooja tickets on 31.07.2017 early morning.. and I have train at 3pm to return.Is it possible..? How much time taken for Raahu Kethu pooja.
    We have 3 Adults & 2chidren. Which ticket can I buy for Raahu Kethu Pooja.

  93. Hi Sir, May I know the process for booking seva tickets. Is there any online website where I can book tickets for seva, abhishekam and accommodation. We are planning to stay for a day.

  94. Sir how long will it take from chennai to kalahasti?how much time before we should be there in the temple?

    • Hi Madam,

      It may take 4 hrs to reach kalahasti from chennai and one hour before you can get tickets to perform the rahu kethu pooja.


  95. Hello Sir,

    If I’ve to do pooja with my mother is the Rs. 5000 tickets available for Sunday, August 6?

  96. Raj A.Rajasegaram

    Dear Sir Madam,

    I am coming to Madras from abroad and will be there from 21st Aug 2017 to 24th Aug 2017 and then from 17th Sep to 21st Sep 2017. During these periods I would like to come to the Srikalahasti Sannithaanam and participate in Rahu Ketu Pooja -inside the temple at the Sahasra Linga Shirine. Is it posible to get the admission on the same day of arraival or do I have to come and book the day before? Could you please let me know.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Raj A.Rajasegaram.

  97. Kishoreji, Namaste,
    For performing pooja at Monday 7.30 to 9.00 AM (Rahu kalam)when the ticket will be sold. Can i get it in the day before ? or in the early morning? thanks

  98. Hi Sir,
    I would like to get the Rahu Ketu Pooja done for myself. But i will be accompanied by my Mother, Grandmother and Aunt. Is there any way that i can take all the three inside while performing the pooja? The reason is they all want to be a part of the pooja that i offer. I see here that there is 1/2 ppl allowed at the time of pooja. I also want to know the details of pre-pooja practices that i should be observing. Anything specific that i am supposed to get along with me? Is there any contact number for any queries in case i have? Please respond.

    Vibha Narayan

    • HI Sir,

      Along with the tickets you can get the pooja items no need to buy seperately. for any assistance contact 9393939150


  99. my wife and daughter have kala sarpa dosha, is i have to perform rahu and ketu pooja separetaly for both the persons? my daughter is the age of 5 years. pooja will perform on rahu kalam only? if we want to perform pooja on rahu kalam only what is the price? if we want to perform pooja separetaly for both my wife and daughter, can we perform on single day or two different days? please confirm

    • Hi Sir,

      Right now your daughter age is small so both mother and daughter can perform one pooja thats fine and for tickets you can get 1 hr before at temple counter.


  100. What are the Rahu Kethu pooja timings? Is it performed only during the Rahu kalam in the morning? Or will be performed any time?

  101. Sir I want to perform Raju Keri Pooja. My family consists four members..My son and daughter are students..Could you suggest me which is better way

  102. Namaskaram maku kalasarpa dosham undani pandithulu garu chepparu rahu kethu pooja only Tuesday mathrame cheinchukovala vere rojullo cheyara pooja tiket kakunda barshanam ki kuda ticket this koala

    • HI Sir,

      Daily pooja is available from 6 am to 6pm and after pooja you can get the direct darshan no need to purchase extra darshan tickets.


  103. Hello,
    I would like To perform Rahu kethu Pooja on 5th September . I would like to perform the same inside the temple near kalyanotsavam mantapam. Is there a way to register online tickets or I need to buy at temple itself.
    Kindly respond. Also do I need to get my own Pooja things .?

    Thank you.

    • HI Sir,

      Near the temple entrance you can get the tickets 1 hr before along with ticket you can also get the pooja ingredients.


  104. suday raku kethu pooja best timing

  105. I would like to perform rahuketu pooja on 10th september,Please mention the timings for the same.

  106. Sir my family consists of 3 persons- i must perform puja separately,, my father has to perform puja separately. We want to perform puja inside temple- could you suggest which ticket we must purchase and how many tickets we must buy? Please help me

  107. Hi team,
    My family comprising of 7 members(my grandparents ,my father mother I ,my uncle aunty and their 2 kids)want to get our Rahu ketu Pooja done.Could you please tell me which procedure is the most suitable and how can I get the tickets for the same.
    Thanks in advance.


  109. Good afternoon sir , I am from chennai .I Want to person this rahu kethu pooja along with my husband but my 2 kids will accompany me can thy sit along .one is 11yrs old other one is 5 yrs.

  110. I’m reaching srikalhasti temple @ 4 pm tomorrow..can I do rahu kettu pooja?? Tomorrows rahu kalam from 3 to 4.30 pm

  111. Is there a Online booking for Rahu Ketu Pooja.. ? or if we reach will it be a able to attend puja… we need to book the return journey tkt also.

  112. I’m coming from Overseas with two sons. One with kaala sarpa dosha the other with naaga dosha.
    Which pooja Should be performed by them?
    What time I should purchase ticket for 4.30pm pooja?

  113. Hii

    Planing to cumin to do the kalasraba dosa pooja on 20oct ( arround dewali timing) is it the iyer available for this time!! Let me know

  114. Hi, will all the things required to perform rahu ketu pooja be provided at temple itself on booking ticket or we should get it by ourselves.

    If we need to get the things, what should be brought?

  115. I am planning to come alone . Will I be able to do pooja for my family. We are five. Husband and children.

  116. If husband and wife both has to do Pooja individually, should we buy 2 separate tickets or in a single ticket, can both of us do individual Pooja?

  117. Sir may i get online ticket for rahu kethu pooja

  118. Sir we are from Kerala. I would like to know whether there is any problem to visit thirupathi temple before rahu kethu pooja.

  119. Hello sir,we are planning to come on 15th of October.
    My doubt is whether kala sarpa pooja and rahu ketu pooja is performed at same time? And same day or separate?

  120. Namaskar,
    can children below 13 taken with parents while performing Pooja/ additional ticket has to be taken?pl suggest,
    is silver Idols should be carried with us / is it aviliable in Temple campus?
    we have planned – come today night from Bangalore .

    thanks in Advance .

    • Hi Sir,

      You can take your children no issues and once you finish with pooja you need to drop the pooja idols at swamy hundi. and it is available along with the tickets.


  121. Hi Sir,

    Sri Kalahasthi Rahu Ketu Pooja tickets availability doubt
    Could you please let us know the dates available from 29th Sep 2017 – 2nd Oct 2017?
    Is there auspicious date and time available, please let us know..

    With Regards,
    Mani A

  122. My daughter is having Kuja dosha and rahu dosha.Her daughter( our granddaughter) is having kalasarpa dosha. Without their presence whether we can perform the pooja.

  123. Can I get timings,cost for rudrabisekam and rudra homam

  124. C.K.Govindaraj.

    Hi Sir,
    Am with my wife and daughter wanted to perform Raghu Kethu Pooja on 8th October. Is there slot available for pooja in the evening? Kindly confirm.

  125. Sir,
    How can I book tickets online for -Raju kethu pooja planning dated on 11-11-2017, I am not getting website. Please help

  126. hi,
    Is there any way to book tickets in advance for Kalasarpdosha nivaran puja?

  127. Hi sir I want 2 get a job .. so which poojai is suitable for me. getting foreign jobs. Coming Sunday

  128. We want tickets for Rahu ketu Pooja on Thursday i.e., on 5 oct 17. Where will be available of tickets. Could you pls help me

  129. Hi Sir, I am from Kerala.I would like to perform Rahu-Ketu pooja on 7th October.At what timing shall it be possible.I prefer to do Rs.2500.00 pooja. Regards Kannan

    • HI Sir,

      Yes you can plan during rahu kalam that is between 9 am to 10:30 am, on arrival you can get the tickets and for any queries you can contact 9393939150


  130. Hi sirthis is Ramki from chennai we need ragu kethu pooja.. At 24 th of actober.. We can book before pls reply thank you
    Contact no 8939000022

  131. Sir,
    We want to perform rahu ketu puja on Sunday. Is there any restrictions on food. And what is the timings.

  132. we want to perform rahu ketu abhishekam and pooja on tuesday,what is the timing.

  133. Sir
    Im going to perform rahu kethu pooja on friday tommrow may i know which time is better to perform pooja. and any dress code for performing puja.

  134. Sir,

    I want to perform pooja for Rahu Ketu on Sunday and i am coming from Chennai. Is it mandatory to reach there on saturday or Sunday morning is fine

  135. Can you inform me tomorrow timings of rahu kethu pooja

  136. Hi..what is the timing to do Pooja on Saturday? Do we need to bring any materials ? Any dress code looks like dhoti etc..

    Phone number to book the ticket.

    • Hi Sir,

      There is no advance bookings onarrival you can get the tickets and you can prefer to wear blue color dress to wear.along with the tickets you can get the pooja ingredients


  137. Y. S. N. Chandrika

    Sir, we want to perform rahu kethu on Monday 16-10-2017 for first puja.what is the puja timings? Is tickets are available for puja?

  138. we are comming to attend pooja on 28/10/2017 at 6.30 A M for seven person for rahu kethu pooja will you pl.

    how must money req. for pooja

    • HI Sir,

      yes pooja will be available daily and for one ticket they will allow 2persons so that plan accordingly to attend the pooja


  139. Sir
    I want to perform rahu ketu pooja which is best time to get best results

  140. Hi sir I am planning to come on Friday 20/10/2017 what is the timings for performing the puja on Friday whether any prior bookings can be done . whether the puja is performed the whole day or any specific timings

  141. Hi..How many persons will allowed for rs750 rahukeetu pooja? couple or single….in online it is showing single..please clarify…

  142. We are planning for Rahu kethu Pooja on Sunday….is any rooms available at the temple?

  143. Hai sir…What is the timing to buy a ticket for rahu ketu pooja on sunday and monday..?

  144. Hai sir
    At what time we have to be on Sunday rahu kethu pooja
    At 4 30 pm
    Shall we book tickets on online
    Please send me online website details
    Thanks sir

  145. Good Day,
    The Inside Temple at Sahasra Linga shrine pooja which cost RS5000, is this a private pooja done by a single priest with the couple?

    Can you bring 2 kids with you for this pooja too?

    Do advice

  146. Dear sir, we are from Hyderabad. Myself and my daughter want to perform rs.5000/- పూజ in the temple on tuesday between 3 to 4.30pm. (1) At what time we should buy the ticket and where. (2) by what time our presence is required (3) how to book devasthanam cottage on arrival. Check out timings of room, is the room is near to temple. (4) After performing rahu ketu pooja can we visit our family friends or we have to go to home without visiting temples or houses. (5) How far is bus stand from the temple.
    Please help us.

    • HI Sir,

      You can get the tickets one hour before at temple counter and for accomadations you can contact 9393939150 they will suggest you regarding this.and after pooja you should not visit to any other temples or any relatives home


  147. i want to do rahu Ketu pooja for my daughter. can we both parents (total 3 adults including her) can accompain to her for pooja?After pooja can i visit temple or directly should go to hotel and change dress and leave as per bus timing.Please guide us.

    • HI Sir,

      If you can go for 2500 rs tickets , 3 of you can sit in the pooja and after finishing the pooja you can plan to your home should not visit any other temple


  148. Prof.(Dr) R. Rajendra Kumar

    Hello Sir,

    Myself and my wife are planning to visit Srikalahasti temple on 8th Nov Wednesday to perform Rahu ketu pooja. We want to perform the pooja between 12 and 1.30pm. We will be reaching temple in the morning. When we purchase ticket from the counter do we need to mention the pooja timings? To get the correct pooja timings what should we do? If we purchase the 2500 Rs ticket can we get the correct pooja timings? Pl advice.

    • HI Sir,

      Just one hour before you can get the tickets for your optioned timings and also while buying you can mention the time to perform the pooja at counter


  149. sir,As i am visiting thirumala on 11-11-2017, I got accomidated at ANC from the Donors side.

    Here I want to know what will be for sleepng type of bath and Hot water.The TTD in the Format has stated to stay for 1 day,But the Donor is telling up to 3 days.Kindly clear me

  150. We are planing to perform Rahu Ketu pooja on 30th Dec 2017. so we planned trip for 1 week frpm 26th Dec to 1at JAn 2018. But we want to stay at our friends house from 26th to 1st Jan. we want to start to perform pooja from my friends house only. In this case can we go back to my friends house after performing pooja directly or do we need to visit any temple and go back to friends house? Why I am asking because we have to stay after pooja again till jan 1st 2008 as we ha e return tkts on Jan 1st. Please suggest. if we shuld not go to ther home please suggest alternative like stay 1 day hotel (pooja performed day) nad next day visit any temple and go to their home. Please give best suggestion.

    • HI Sir,

      After dosha nivarana pooja it is not suggested to go back to your friend home instead you can plan to stay at hotel and you can plan to your home so for any suggestions and assistance you can contact 9393939510


  151. Hi sir , we are from kerala , planning to start on 14t and will reach there in the evening. We aere planning to do the pooja on wife daughter and myself are planning to do the pooja .can we take the 2500 ticket.also want to know whether we can go back home after the pooja .please advice

  152. HII SIR. Can rahukethu pooja tickets are able to book online or we need to buy there at temple itself please suggest me

  153. After Rahu-Ketu pooja in Sri Kalahasti, can we go to hotel as our flight is in the evening to Mumbai

  154. Helo sir, does rahu ketu pooja is performed in January 2018..we are planning to visit temple to perform rahu ketu pooja on 30/1/2018(Tuesday). At what time pooja is performed on that particular day.
    Please let me know sir,so that I can plan accordingly..
    Thank u sir

  155. Hi sir. Am from Malaysia planning to visit kalahasti temple to clear Naga dosam for my son. We are going to tirupathi on 18 our darsan timing is 11 am. Can we come on Sunday to perform this pooja and what time is best as we are flying back to hyd on this day at 2 pm. Please update me on this information. .
    Thank you.

  156. hii sir
    i am from maharashtra sate coming to kalahasti temple.
    after having darshana of PATHAL GANAPATI i want to perform puja on 11 th december 2017 inside the temple manadapam of rs 2500/-
    Pl guide me what to do.
    is there any online booking for puja?

    • HI sir,

      There is no online bookings for kalahsthi on arrival you can get the tickets at temple counter and for any assistance you can contact at 9393939510.


  157. Sir, can Rahu ketu shanti pooja be performed during amavasya day?

  158. Hello sir i want to do rahu ketu puja and also plan to visit tirupati for lord balaji darshan, i want to know which temple to visit first, sri kalasthi or tirupati

  159. Sir, I want to perform Ragu ketu Pooja tomorrow Sunday for 2 persons and 2 accomplice . what time is ideal to reach temple and which tickets you suggest.
    Rangan D S

  160. Hi,

    I heard from my well wisher about kalahasti. Since my marriage was getting delayed someone suggested rahu ketu poja. Am i chosing rite poja? is there any particular day to perform this poja?


  161. Poojai inside the temple and outside the temple. . Wat is the difference in it if the poojai done outside the temple wil it b usefull or not

    • Hi Madam,

      poojas are same but performing places are different depends upon your comfort you can plan for higher cost crowd will be more.


  162. Can we stay in mandabham temple in night

  163. Sir after the pooja is over whether we can stay in that night in hotel next day morning can do aairchanai to god siva then go home or after doing pooja itself immediately must go need to stay can u suggest me.. as i am having naga and cheivva dhosham

    • HI Sir,

      Once you done with pooja it is suggested to go home directly and also not to visit the any other temple so for further details you can contact at 9393939510


  164. Timings for rahukethu puja

  165. Hi Sir,

    Is pooja samagiri also included with the Rs 750 ticket.


  166. kalasarpa dosham at Rs 5000/ wife and husband with two kids of 10 and 5 years are allowed, as pooja is done for the boy of 10years.

  167. On 24-12-17, sarpa dosha puja tickets at rahu kalam how much time puja will take, i have to catch train at 7 pm is it possible, how to book tickets online, or can we get ticjets after coming there

    • HI Sir,

      On arrival you can get the tickets instantly at temple counter and pooja will perform for 45 mins and 45 mins for darshan so plan accordingly.


  168. Speal pooja @ Rs.5000 – whether Tickets can be purchased in advance online? Preferably for the raghu kala time? Whether any accommodation for few hours is available? If so what are the charges?

    Whether special darshan tickets are to be purchased or included in the above Rs.5000/-

    Whether it includes dakshina to the priest or whether it is payable separately and if so, how much?

    • HI Sir,

      5000 rs ticket is only to perform the pooja inside the temple and you can get the tickets at temple itself along with the pooja ingredients and for accomadation you can contact at 9393939510 they can suggest you and priest dakshina is upto you after performing the pooja you need to give


  169. Raju methi pooja tickets

  170. M. Shanmugasundaram

    Sir ragu kethu pooja ticket for RS 500


  172. Hi, My 15 yr old child needs to perform Rahu-Ketu pooja and will be travelling to kalahasti (family of 4 including this child) which ticket would I need to purchase

  173. Sir can I book online tickets for rahu ketu Pooja

  174. Sir, one has to take bath again after Rahu ,Kuthu Pooja.

  175. Sir what are timings for Shani graha dosha nivarana …fare details..

  176. hi sir, iam planing to come alone to srikalahasti on 31dec for doing rahu ketu pooja. while the pooja tickets available or not? Because, iam coming on the year end.

  177. sir, we are planning to do rahu ketu pooja on thursday at 1.30pm. will the tickets be available. Is there any way to book tickets in advance. Are you issuing 2500.00 tickets on line. Regards

  178. Greetings:

    We (me, wife and son) are coming for Rahu-Kethu Pooja on Monday, 08/01/2008. My wife and son who is 11 years old have rahu dosham, so we need to buy two tickets to perform pooja for three or one ticket will do for three of us? What is the best time to perform pooja on Monday? Please advice.

    Thanks a million.


  179. Hello sir/ madam,
    We planning to rahu kethu nevarna pooja at 16 th January 2018 how much of price and pooja will do on kanuma ( Pongal) , please give information
    Any available advance booking sites for pooja

    • HI Sir,

      there is no advance bookings for kalahasthi so on arrival you can get the tickets and it starts from 500 rs onwards


  180. Sir, I want to do Rahu ketu Pooja on January 31st (lunar eclipse). Please suggest me how to book online Pooja tickets.
    Can this Pooja be done during eclipse time i.e., on evening time?

    • HI Sir,

      it will be good to perform the pooja during eclipse so you can plan sir and there is no online bookings for rahu kethu pooja so on arrival you can get the tickets.


  181. Which time they issue the tickets for rahu ketu pooja

  182. Swamy we need ur help sir .my mother and father are have a ketu dosha .so we need rahu ketu dosha Pooja.pls give me sagesion to me

  183. Sir….I want to take the rahu ketu pooja but I don’t Telugu only Kannada so if u people help me?

  184. Sir am bengali so please can you help me . Am coming 14 jan 2018 . Morning so please help me am come with my wife and daughter.

  185. Sir.
    What is the timing of rahu ketu pooja on sundays

  186. Sur for kalasarpa doshaa pooja, should i have to book in advance/even to purchase tickets If so kindly let me know the details

    Whether the person who performs pooja should be in empty stomach till pooja completes

    • HI Sir,

      yes you can perform the pooja at kalahasthi and one hour before you can get the tickets and it is suggested with fasting or else you can have the lite drinks till pooja


  187. My sister is not married still. We Decide to go to sri kalahasthi temple. How do we do pooja

  188. Hello!
    I’m traveling to your temple from Georgia. I’m going to make a rahu ketu pooja for my family. I could do it myself as I understand.
    And I want to order rahu ketu pooja on behalf of my students. Is it possible? It will be about 15-20 people. I know its better to come to temple personally, but its too expensive for them. I hope you can suggest some way to do such a great pooja on behalf of my lovely students.

    Best regards,

  189. Sir we are childless couple what pooja we can do at this temple?



  191. Do we have accommodation facility by the temple side.or else we have to arrange in private.

    • HI Sir,

      on arrival you can check at the temple sir if available or else you can contact at 9393939510 for any suggestions


  192. Sir wat is the puja for childless couple having dreams of burnt snake were in dream both of us were seen.

    • HI Madam,

      You can plan to perform the sarpa samskara at kukke temple in karnataka and for procedure and any suggestions you can contact at 9393939510



    Which pooja to be performed to get married of my son.Who to perform that pooja.

  194. How much of cost for rahu ketuv puja

  195. Which best time to perform rahu Keri pooja 13 march 2018.

  196. Bharathi rajeshwari c

    Hi sir

    I have a query it is necessary to perform raahu and ketu pooja on raahu kalam time or else can be performed any time?

    Should we prebook for raahu and ketu pooja or else can we able to book at the time of visit

  197. Which Best time for Raghu ketu pooja on 24 Feb 2018

  198. Is the Muhurtam available for Rahu Ketu pooja on 4 and 5th March 2018? I am planning to visit on these days.

  199. Hi how do I book tickets online for rahu ketu pooja

  200. P.sudarshan reddy

    How to book rahu keyhu pooja inside temple in advnce in rahukalam by online pl infom me

  201. Radhakrishnan unnithan

    How to book Raghu/kethu Pooja online for 16/03/ 2018

  202. Which time is best for performing Rahu Ketu Pooja on 17th march..?

  203. Hi,

    Can i book ticket in advance for a specified time slot in a day?

  204. Should we required to book tickets early for rahu kethu pooja on 24th March 2018?

  205. Which time is best for performing Rahu Ketu Pooja on 19th and 20th March??? And how to take the tickets for Pooja??

  206. B v Nagabhushanarao

    Dear sir,
    I wish to buy ticket for Rahu ketu puja in advance. Please advise.

  207. Me , my wife,daughter and his kid of 4years want to
    Perform rahu Ketu pooja,how much pooja tickets we
    Have to buy.can we purchase in advance online

  208. M.siva Naga Raju


    How many tickets available per day like any condition like limited tickets sir.

  209. Sir, can i perform Sri.Raghu and Sri,Gethu pooja for my son was 19years

  210. Looking for rahu ketu kalasarpa dosha nivarana pooja tickets

  211. I sir can you arrange ticket on 14th Apr18

  212. I meed ticket on 14th Ap’18

  213. sir in the horoscope of my daughter naga dosam is there in rasi chakra and navamsam. Hence astrologer suggested to do naga dosa pooja at shri kalastri I want to do pooja on saturday or sunday (14/4/18 or 15/4/18)at shri kalastri. whether advance ticket is to be booked otherwise
    please informe me the procedure

  214. What is the difference between 500 and 750 rs darshan

  215. Wat is different bw 1500 and 2500 pooja and how to book on line

  216. Hi sir
    Can you suggest is there any difference in Pooja compare to cost, or the Pooja will be same b’coz of Pooja place cost is different.
    On what this Pooja is powerful for naga dosam to perform.
    Please confirm.

    • HI Sir,

      pooja is same but performing places are different and crowd is less if you prefer for higher cost and for more details you can contact at 9393939510


  217. Continuation on what days naga dosam Pooja will be powerful to perform

  218. Hello,
    Is there any Sunday – Rahu Kala time tickets limit for Rahu – Ketu Pooja? How many hours advance usually can get easy for Sunday – Rahu Kala time

  219. We are attending the ragugala pooja 10/05/2018 at what time, pls find out the timing.

  220. On Tuesday 15 may at 6 am is rahu letu pooja possible

  221. Shall i need to book the tickets in advance to do rahu keta pooja on 29th may, if so please provide the link. And also please let me know the requirements if any.

  222. Sir/Madam,
    We wish to Rahu/Ketu Pooja (Special pooja for Rs. 2500/-) on 10th June 2018 Sunday between 4 30 to 6 PM.
    Please guide us to do online booking.
    S Swaminathan

    • HI Sir,

      You can get the tickets on arrival at temple counter and for any suggestions you can contact at 9393939510


  223. I want to know a few details . Kindly correspond . Thank you

    • HI Madam,

      to know the procedure you can contact at 9393939510 and plan during rahu kalam to perform the pooja


      • Thanks for your response . ls there any way to buy tickets online so as to ensure a pooja on rahu kaal timings ? I mean any advance booking site online?

  224. Hello,

    Me and my wife are planning to perform puja in August 2018.

    1. Can we perform this puja as a couple or we need to buy tickets separately.
    2. Can my children (2 yr & 5 yr) also accompany with us at the puja location?


  225. Hello, we are planning to visit the temple to perform rahu ketu pooja for myself n my husband and also for our children who are 21 and 17 years. Should we buy 4 tickets? S let mw know.

  226. We are planning to visit kalahasti temple on saturday for rahu ketu pooja for all four of us including for my children who arecaged 21 and 17. Should i buy 4 tickets or 2 is enough? Pls let me know.

  227. I want to perform rahukala puja along with my wife. Can my 13 year old son sit with us. How many hours before shall I report. Is there bathing facility there.

    • Dear Sir/ Madam ,
      yes your son can sit with you, pooja is hardly one hour, there is no bathing facility in temple you need to take accommodation, Please call at 9393939150 for further assistance
      Thank you.

  228. Sir can I get Pooja ticket for. Friday. Me and my brother wants to do

    • Dear Sir,
      Sure, you can get tickets for Friday Rahu Kalam. You need to purchase two tickets for this. As Pooja can be performed as a single or couple.
      For more details, please call @ 93 93 93 9150

  229. How can we book the tickets in online???

    • HI Madam,

      online tickets is not available madam so you can contact at 9393939510 for any alternate suggestions


  230. Hi sir/ medam
    Hello i want to make rahu kethu pooja for me.before i come there.can i visit lord thirumala tempule. Or before rahu keth pooja or after rahu kethu pooja please tell me sir

    • HI Sir,

      You need to take tirumala darshan first and then you can plan for kalahasti to perform rahu kethu pooja



    • HI sir,

      On arrival you can check the availability and you can book sir or else you can contact at 9393939510 for any suggestions


  232. I want to do rahu ketu pooja at kalahasti on sunday 15th july 2018

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      we can assist you in the timings for pooja and for pooja ticket advance booking please call at 9393939150
      Thank you.

  233. HI Sir,

    on arrival you can get the tickets at counter sir or else you can contact at 9393939510 for any suggestions


  234. I want to do rahu kethu pooja on the day 27 of this month

  235. Hi Sir,

    Can I do rahu pooja on coming saturday (27-Jul-2018)? Pooja will be performed this day because of lunar eclipse? Please confrim

  236. Ramachandra Rao Devireddy

    Dear sir,
    I want to perform Rahu Kethu pooja (Rs 750/-) on 5/8/2018 at 4 pm. Can I get on line reservation for poija or advance booking.

    Ramachandra rao

  237. i want to performe rahu ketu pooja on 2/8/18 in morning because i have got flight at 6 pm from chennai so i have to leave kal;ahaSTI at 2 pm afternoon.i came to know that rahu kalam is at 1.30 to 3 what you suggest me


    Hi Sir,
    We would like to go for Rahu-ketu pooja on 19th august.
    How can we book ticket? If no online booking, how much before time we report for getting ticket at counter.
    On sunday the timings are 4.30pm-6.00pm.

  239. Sir
    What is the timing ‘s for rahu kethu pooja at temple?

  240. is there a authentic site where I can pay online booking for Rehu Ketu Puja. Is it possible to pay fee on the same day.

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      There is no online boking for rahu kethu pooja, please call at 9393939150 for pooja assistance and accommodation booking
      Thank you.

  241. I want to book Rahu ketha Pooja 8 tickets on 27-10-2018 by now itself let us know the process ASAP

  242. Dear sir need a rahu ketu pooja on 11/09/2018
    Thursday at 3.00pm

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform from 6 am to 6 pm , for booking pooja and arrangements please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  243. For doing Ragu Kethu Pooja, how to accommodate one more person in addition to the 2 persons allowed in Rs.500 or RS.750 ticket. Is there any advance booking available?

  244. Will u plz tell me at what time the ticket distribution would be?

  245. Can I take a darshan at evening after performing rahu pooja on morning

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      Yes you can have darshan after performing the pooja, till 6 pm you can perform the pooja and temple remains open till 9 pm.
      Thank you.

  246. Procedure to book tickets for Raghu kethu Poonam in advanc as well as for stay

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform pooja from 6 am to 6 pm , for booking and arrangements of pooja please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.


    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform pooja from 6 am to 6 pm , for booking pooja and arrangements please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  248. Suppose the time slot for Rahu Ketu pooja is 2.50pm .Before what time one has to report in the temple? Whether the pooja materials are given to the person in advance if so where?

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You need to be in temple one hour before to get the tickets for the current slot and all materials are included in the pooja ticket for booking pooja and pooja arrangements please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  249. Dr Deepti hallur .

    Where do we get tickets ? For ranu ketu Pooja . online booking or we get it from the counter?. please let me know

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform from 6 am to 6 pm, for booking pooja and pooja arrangements please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  250. Rahu ketu pooja

  251. Dear Sir/Madam,
    From 6 am to 6 pm you can perform pooja, you need to book the accommodation in advance for more details please contact 9393939150.
    Thank you.

  252. On Sunday at what time we will there for rahu ketu pooja….

  253. Namaskarams wish to perform Kala surpha Dasha Pooh’s inside temple. We are three. Can buy Rs. 5000/- ticket on line. Timing of Pooja. Whether all 3 of us will be allowed inside for Pooh’s. Any extra charge for 3 rd person.

  254. Need Pooja tokens for Rahu Ketu Pooja

  255. Sir
    Need ticket for four on 23 dec for Rahu keetu and kaal shsarap

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform the pooja tickets from 6 am to 6 pm, for more details please contact 939393939150.
      Thank you.

  256. can we book rahu kethu pooja online?

  257. Hi
    I wanted to know information about puja and also if puja can be performed on this Sunday 16th Dec,2018
    Thank you

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform pooja from 6 am to 6 pm , for booking rahukethu pooja please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  258. How to book rahu kethu pooja in online?

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      You can perform rahukethu pooja from 6 am to 6 pm and for more details please contact 9393939510.
      Thank you.

  259. How to book for RAHU KETU POOJA in the on-line at SRI KALAHASTI TEMPLE?

  260. Any special for parents with disabled children for performing Rahu Kethu pooja.
    How to book online for pooja and rooms

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      There is no such privilege for that, for detailed information regarding pooja please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      Only two adults are allowed to perform the pooja , please contact 9393939150 for detailed information .
      Thank you.

  261. Dear Sir/Madam,
    The ticket ranges from 500 to 5000 for more details about pooja and booking please contact 9393939510.
    Thank you.

  262. rahu ketu pooja

  263. What is the process for nagaprathista pooja in temple

  264. After rahu ketu pooja shall we take a bath head bath or normal bath

  265. does rahu ketu pooja will be conduct on 20th feb 2019?


  267. After rahu ketu pooja is it necessary to leave our dress which we had wore at the time of the pooja

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      Its not mandatory , but after pooja you should not visit any other temple or anyone’s house for more details please call 93 93 93 9150.
      Thank you.

  268. Sir how to online booking for Rahu ketu Pooja today

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      There is no online booking pooja cost from Rs 500 to 5000 for more details please contact 9393939150.
      Thank you.

  269. Does rahu ketu poja in available on 2 March , Saturday

  270. m.rajendiran s bhuvaneswari

    Saturday morning 9.00 am to 10.30 an Pooja special 2500/-is vacancy please book me s.bhuvaneswari 9842730852

  271. There is any timings or any week days

  272. Dear Sir/Madam,
    Yes after pooja only you should visit the temple for darshan.
    Thank you.

  273. Dear Sir/Madam,
    You can perform the pooja from 6 am to 6 pm for more details please contact 9393939150.
    Thank you.

  274. How many hours before we can take the ticket and can ticket be booked online?

  275. Vikramkumar Bhatt

    Can we book tickets for Rahu Ketu Pooja of Rs. 500/- online? Which website link?
    How many hours before should we buy the tickets?

    • Dear Sir/Madam,
      There is no online booking , you can perform rahukethu pooja from 6 am to 6 pm , for more details please call at 8500898000 .
      Thank you.

  276. Dear Sir/Madam ,
    There is no online booking you can perform pooja from 6 am to 6 pm ,For booking pooja please call at 8500 898 000.
    Thank you.

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