Kala Sarpa dosha Pooja in Kalahasti: cost and procedure
Kala Sarpa dosha Pooja procedure, cost, and timings in Kalahasti
When all seven planets are placed between Ketu and Rahu in a birth chart, then the person has Kala Sarpa Dosha. Rahu and Ketu will have negative effects. The person needs to perform the Kala Sarpa Dosha Puja to get rid of these bad effects. Srikalahasti temple is known for the Kala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana puja. Dosha Nivarana pujas are performed even during Surya and Chandra Grahan timings.
As per Hinduism, everything that happened to us was from our previous life karma. Similarly, Kala Sarpa Dosha carries to their next life if they kill an animal or snake. It is said that the Kala Sarpa dosha effect lasts up to 55 years and that the length of a person’s life depends on the planetary positions in the birth chart. People who have this dosha have to rebirth to complete their unfulfilled wills.
When should I perform Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja at Kalahasti?
Does the person have an issue with mental health?
Does he or she see snakes in his dreams?
Does he have bad dreams? For a child, is he scared while he sleeps and spills his milk on the bed?
Is he or she frequently getting sick?
If the person is a professional, does he sometimes have problems at work that lead to big problems?
Is the person putting off getting married, or is the relationship not going well?
Has a woman who is pregnant had an abortion or a miscarriage?
Do children seem to be very unhappy?
Does he or she have money problems all the time?
Can we say that life is more peaceful and full of accomplishments after 42 years old?
Effects of Kala Sarpa Dosha
It brings bad luck and a lack of growth
It takes away peace of mind.
The person may not have confidence
Getting sick frequently
Lose their job or business
Financial problems and increased debt
experience stress and worry.
They might not live long.
Friends are probably going to betray them.
They might fight with family members and
Not get any help from friends and family.
Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja Timings in Kalahasti
Puja Timings
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
6 a.m to 6 p.m
puja timings
Auspicious days for Kala Sarpa Dosha Puja
Dec 2023
3.00 pm to 4.30 pm
Jan 2024
1.30 pm to 3.00 pm
Feb 2024
10.30 am to 12.00 pm
Mar 2024
4.30 pm to 6.00 pm
Apr 2024
7.30 am to 9.00 am
good dates
Benefits of Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
It helps to keep your economic situation stable.
It also gives you and your business safety.
Removes Kala Sarpa Dosha.
Career growth
Giving you peace of mind.
Family ties get stronger. It keeps bad spirits and forces away from a person.
People also think that the fear of snakes goes away.
Removes Dosha related to pregnancy delay
Removes marriage delay, Dosha
The person does well in both their home and job.
Obtaining a good name in society helps him.
He will get closer to his family and friends. A relationship that is not good will get better.
Income may go up for that person.
The person is safe from all enemies and negative forces.
Kala Sarpa dosha Pooja Procedure in Kalahasti
This puja is performed in batches daily
Puja Duration: 30 to 45 minutes
The puja procedure will be explained in Telugu, Tamil, English, and Hindi by the priest.
Temple staff assist devotees with the puja.
All required puja articles will be provided at the ticket counter upon purchasing the ticket.
The puja procedure remains the same for all types of tickets
The devotees will be performing an archana with kumkum and turmeric for the serpent idols.
After puja, the devotees are requested to drop the idols in the hundi after Lord Siva darshan
A single person or a couple can perform this puja.
Unmarried couples cannot perform this puja together.
A woman can perform this puja after the 8th day of her menstrual cycle.
It is advisable to perform this puja after taking a headbath and fasting
Anyone can perform this puja, and there is no age restriction.
This puja can be performed after 12 months if there is anyone deceased in the family.
Can this pooja be performed by the priests on behalf of the devotee without their attendance? If they r unable to travel? If so, what will be the cost and procedure? How will we get the prasad? Will the pooja be videographed fof us to see?
Can this pooja be performed by the priests on behalf of the devotee without their attendance? If they r unable to travel? If so, what will be the cost and procedure? How will we get the prasad? Will the pooja be videographed fof us to see?
Video shooting is not allowed inside the temple. Virtual pooja is available.