Ashwa Vahanam Tirumala Brahmotsavam
Lord Venkateswara rides his horse chariot on the evening of eighth day of the Srivari Salakatla Brahmotsavam and enthralls pilgrims who descend on Tirumala as the festival reaches a crescendo and heads towards conclusion.The Ashwa Vahanam procession denotes one of his most popular and well received avatars as Kalki – a good Samaritan who fights the evil and protects the righteous and good things in the Kaliyuga.
The Kalki avatar of Lord Venkateswara is hailed as the most significant in the celestial lore’s of Malayappa. The Horse ( Ashwa) is described as the only living witness to the first meeting of Venkateswara and his consort Padmavati, their romance and finally culmination in love and wedding .
Thus the utsava idol of Lord Venkateswara atop the silver and gold horse is attractively decorated as a ‘Manmatha’ with flowers, pearls, diamonds and gold jewellery .
The Krishna Yajurveda described Almighty as a ‘Ashwa rupa“.Thus the Aswa Vahanam of Lord Venkateswara is denoted as a message for every one to distance from Kali-dosha’s and continuous pray and sing the keertans to ward off the impact of wrong doings.
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