Alampur Kurnool Bus Timings

Alampur Kurnool Bus Timings, Ticket Cost, Online booking

Distance from Kurnool to Alampur: 23 Km.

Journey Time: 50 – 60 mins

Bus Type: Ordinary Bus

Alampur to Kurnool Bus Timings

5:00 am6:00 am7:15 am8:00 am
8:30 am9:45 am10:30 am11:00 am
12:15 pm1:00 pm1:30 pm2:45 pm
3:30 pm4:00 pm4:45 pm5:30 pm
6:30 pm7:15 pm8:00 pm9:00 pm
9:45 pm   

No need to hire an auto rickshaw from Alampur Bus station to Temple as it is walkable distance. 4 mins walk to the temple from Alampur Bus station.

During Summer, Please plan to start in the early hours as summer heat will be heavy. Bus shelter available at Alampur.

There is no online booking for this bus as the journey is for a short distance.

Ref Links Temple History


  1. Chandrashekar Reddy

    Please provide bus service from Mantralayam to jogulamba and mahanandi/other nearby pilgrim/tourist places