Kalahasti Surya Grahana Rahu Ketu Pooja

Kalahasti Surya Grahana Rahu Ketu Pooja, Timings, Procedure

Pooja Duration: 1 hour

Ticket Cost: Rs.500 / Rs.750/ Rs.1500/ Rs.2500 and Rs.5000.

No persons allowed per ticket: 2. Extra charges to be paid for additional persons.

Dress Code: Any decent outfit.

Best Day and Timings for the Pooja

  1. Amavasya Sunday Rahu Kalam timings
  2. During Grahanam Rahu Kalam Timings
  3. Amavasya Rahu Kalam Timings
  4. During Grahanam Timings
  5. Sunday Rahu Kalam Timings
  6. Tuesday Rahu Kalam Timings
  7. Performing Pooja during Rahu Kalam timings

Crowd status: High. On these special days, the crowd will be high, and there will be a long wait time at the ticket counter.

Kalahasti Surya Grahana Rahu Ketu Pooja Instructions

  1. Pooja to be performed as a single or couple.
  2. One must fast until they complete this Pooja.
  3. It is not advisable to consume non-vegetarian food before and after Pooja.
  4. It is advised not to visit other temples after this Dosha Nivarana Pooja.
  5. If fasting is not possible, then the devotee can have liquid food.
  6. Performing Pooja inside the temple is advisable.
  7. It is not advisable to perform Pooja during the Menstrual cycle.
  8. Ladies can perform Pooja after 5th day of their cycle.
  9. Rudrabhishekam before or after Pooja is good for the Dosha Nivarana.

Kalahasti Surya Grahana Rahu Ketu Pooja Benefits

  1. Removes dosha related to pregnancy delay
  2. I will be relieved from Dosha because of the delay in marriage.
  3. For business growth
  4. Kala Sarp Dosha Nivarana.
  5. For higher studies.
  6. To overcome the financial loss.
  7. Rahu and Ketu Graha Dosha Nivarana.

Please note that online booking is not available for these Pooja tickets.

What is so special about Surya Grahanam Pooja?

Graha will be active during this time so performing Pooja will yield the best results.

How about Chandra Grahanam Pooja’s results?

Pooja will not be performed during Chandra Grahanam Timings.
It is from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm.

For more details, please call @85000 85151


  1. Can we book tickets online for rahu kethu pooja or availble only at counters…..